Include responsive (content) images. This component is based on the blueprint of Veams-Components.
Type: string
| Default: null
Path to fallback image, e.g. "" - mostly the smallest image defined in srcset.
Type: string
| Default: null
An alternative text describing the image if a user for some reason cannot view it.
Type: object
| Default: null
An object containing different images. The images should differ in type or in picture detail, otherwise there's no need to add more than one child object. Each item will generate a
Type: string
| Default: null
If the browser supports the format described in the type attribute, he uses that source; otherwise, the
Type: string
| Default: null
If a query in a media attribute evaluates to true, the browser must use that source; otherwise, the
Type: object
| Default: null
Use srcset to provide different image sizes. Contains 1-x children.
Type: string
| Default: null
Path to image, e.g. ""
Type: string
| Default: null
The width in physical pixels (e.g. "400w") of image referenced in "src" above.
Type: object
| Default: null
Use sizes to define the width of our images at a given screen size. The media queries could reflect the breakpoints in your project, but it's not mandatory to stick to them. If the width of an image in the srcset attribute is set (= "imageWidth"), the sizes attribute must be present.
Type: string
| Default: null
Media query (e.g. "(min-width: 992px)") defining which image to use.
Type: string
| Default: null
Width of image in viewport matching the media query defined in "screenWidth". Use width in pixel, e.g. "960px" or as a dynamic width, e.g. "calc( 100vw - 50px )".
// @INSERT :: START @tag: scss-import
@import "components/_c-picture";