An implementation of a factory controller. this is part of the application for a coles job
yes it is one file - sorry the output format could be improved copes with many ways of building things and finds best in terms of recipe execution time
this agrees with the given answer on the example case making 4 electric engines in total the timings might be diffent as I find other solutions this copes with orders
- that must be completely fulfilled or canceled
- that do and dont put there constucted items back into the inventory
- that do and dont always make new items
This is written in Python 3
- python was the preferred choice of client
- python allowed the eaiest packaging and running
- requiring only python 3, the src , and a cmdline
tests are written as simple code to facilitate usage
To Execute:
- ensure python points to python3
- in the root directory of the cloned repo
- run python src/factorycontroller/ --help
- the default run as speced is one of the tests it may be run explicitly
- **python src/factorycontroller/ ** *the example json files are in src/factorycontroller to used these files and to run the default run use
- python src/factorycontroller/ --inv src/factorycontroller/inv.json --recipes src/factorycontroller/recipes.json --orders "3x electric_engine" "5x electric_circuit" "3x electric_engine"