Votess is a library to perform 3D Voronoi tessellation computations. It leverages the SYCL framework, giving it the ability to run on heterogenous platforms, including GPUs and FPGAs. It was developed to be parallel, performant, but portable, and was also developed for applications only requiring the geometry of the voronoi diagram, for example in cosmological simulations, or K-means clustering.
The following plot demonstrates the performance of Votess compared to other applications.
The project requires a SYCL-compatible compiler supporting C++17 or later. Currently, the following compilers have been tested and confirmed to work:
- Intel® oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler
- AdaptiveCpp (formerly known as hipSYCL / Open SYCL) acpp Compiler
The library and command line program does not require any additional dependencies. However, if you wish to compile the python bindings or the test cases, the following dependencies are required.
In any case, the build script will manage all dependencies locally so manual installation is not necessary.
Currently compilation from source is the only possibility.
To install the Intel® oneAPI compiler, refer to the installation instructions.
If using Arch Linux, the following command will be sufficient:
pacman -S intel-oneapi-basekit
Before using the compiler, it is necessary to source the relevant environment variables. Instructions on how to do so are provided for:
To install AdaptiveCpp, refer to the installation page on Github here.
To get the repository, first clone the repository and switch to the cloned directory
git clone
cd votess
you should then review the compilation options located in the file
After that, execute the command located at project root:
All binaries will then be generated at ${project-root}/bin/
There exists three APIs one could use:
Python >=3.5, >=C++17, (Unix)*sh
If compiled with Intel® oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler, sourcing environment variables before running the application is required.
The C++ API comes with the following templated function:
namespace votess {
template <typename Ti, typename Tf>
class dnn<Ti> tesellate(
std::vector<std::array<Tf,3>>& xyzset,
class vtargs args,
const enum device device = device::cpu
The parameter xyzset
represents the 3 dimensional array of floating points
values set in a row major format. It is a strict requirement that the
underlying type xyzset
is floating point, and that each value lies between 0
and 1 (exclusive). The parameter device
is used to set the device to run the
tessellation on, and args is used to set parameters in the function. The usage
of class vtargs
is similar to that of std::unordered_map
For example:
class vtargs vtargs;
vtargs["k"] = 64; // arithmetic types are accepted
vtargs["use_chunking"] = true; // booleans are accepted for certain parameters
A list of all possible parameters is provided in the table below:
Parameter Name | Description |
k |
Number of nearest neighbors |
cpu_nthreads |
Number of CPU threads to use. Set to 0 for highest thread count available in the machine |
gpu_ndsize |
GPU work size. Recommended to set in multiples of 16 |
use_recompute |
Set to true to enable CPU fallback. This will ensure all points are valid voronoi cells |
use_chunking |
Set to true to split processing in chunks. |
chunksize |
Size of chunks for processing. Set a small value for the CPU, and a large one for the GPU |
knn_grid_resolution |
Grid resolution for k-nearest-neighbors algorithm |
cc_p_maxsize |
Maximum size of P parameter for convex cell algorithm |
cc_t_maxsize |
Maximum size of T parameter for convex cell algorithm |
dev_suppress_stdout |
Developer parameter to enable stdout. Defaults to false |
The return type class dnn
is a jagged 2 dimensional array representing the
nearest neighbors that directly contribute to the voronoi cell. It has been
written to have a contiguous memory layout, so that accesses would be more
efficient. Do note that the ordering of xyzset is not preserved, as it will
be sorted during the tessellation. When the interface is properly implemented
will it then be documented. for now use the examples below.
An example program to tessellate a point set is given below:
#include <votess.hpp>
// initial number of neighbors per point
const int k = 9;
// grid fineness for knn algorithm
const int grid_resolution = 2;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
// sample dataset
std::vector<std::array<float, 3>> xyzset = {
{0.605223f, 0.108484f, 0.0909372f},
{0.500792f, 0.499641f, 0.464576f},
{0.437936f, 0.786332f, 0.160392f},
{0.663354f, 0.170894f, 0.810284f},
{0.614869f, 0.0968678f, 0.204147f},
{0.556911f, 0.895342f, 0.802266f},
{0.305748f, 0.124146f, 0.516249f},
{0.406888f, 0.157835f, 0.919622f},
{0.0944123f, 0.861991f, 0.798644f},
{0.511958f, 0.560537f, 0.345479f}
// votess::tesellate parameter struct
struct votess::vtargs vtargs();
vtargs["k"] = k;
vtargs["knn_grid_resolution"] = grid_resolution;
// get direct neighbors that constitute a voronoi cell for each point.
auto dnn = votess::tesellate<int, float>(xyzset, vtargs);
// Alternatively, get direct neighbors via cpu
// auto dnn = votess::tesellate<int, float>(xyzset, vtargs,
// votess::device::cpu);
// use direct_neighbors as a normal 2 dimensional array
std::cout << "First neighbor for point 0: " << dnn[0][0] << std::endl;
std::cout << "number of direct neighbors for point 0: "
<< dnn[0].size()
<< std::endl;
return 0;
Similarly to the C++ implementation, a python wrapper library named pyvotess
exists. The API is similar to that of votess, but can also leverage the numpy
import pyvotess as vt
import numpy as np
k = 9
grid_resolution = 1
xyzset = np.array([
[0.605223, 0.108484, 0.0909372],
[0.500792, 0.499641, 0.464576],
[0.437936, 0.786332, 0.160392],
[0.663354, 0.170894, 0.810284],
[0.614869, 0.0968678, 0.204147],
[0.556911, 0.895342, 0.802266],
[0.305748, 0.124146, 0.516249],
[0.406888, 0.157835, 0.919622],
[0.0944123, 0.861991, 0.798644],
[0.511958, 0.560537, 0.345479]
vtargs = vt.vtargs()
vtargs["k"] = k
vtargs["knn_grid_resolution"] = grid_resolution
direct_neighbors = vt.tesellate(xyzset, vtargs)
# Alternatively, get direct neighbors via cpu
# direct_neighbors = vt.tesellate(xyzset, vtargs, vt.device.cpu)
# use direct_neighbors as a normal 2 dimensional array
print("First neigbhor for point 0: ", direct_neighbors[0][0])
print("size of direct neighbors for point 0", direct_neighbors[0].size())
In addition to the implementations above, there also exists a command line
interface clvotess
. This executable can be used to perform k-nearest neighbor
and Voronoi tessellation operations directly from the terminal, with full
support for CPU and GPU processing. For usage, refer to:
./clvotess --help
Votess is part of my Bachelor's project at the Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics at Heidelberg University. The project was made possible only through the guidance of Dr. Chris Byrohl and Dr. Dylan Nelson, and for that, I expresses my sincere gratitude to them.
If you have questions, bug reports, or any suggestions for improvements, please feel free to open an issue or create a pull request. Contributions are welcome!