Geoserver REST client in Java - Automatically exported from
A Java Client to the Geoserver 2.0.2+ RESTful configuration extension. Using this library, one can access a remote Geoserver via HTTP and configure it.
The REST extension of Geoserver has to be installed on Geoserver.
This project uses Java 1.5 and has no extra dependencies!
That is a difference to the rest module found in Geoserver's community-folder (, which has dependencies to many Geoserver + Geotools JAR.
Note: 2011/05 Geosolutions release a very similar project: Since they are Geoserver-core developers, you might want to evaluate that project as well.
The REST API is not fully implemented. Here is a selection of what's there:
- String uploadShape(String workspace, String dsName, URL zip)
- createDatastoreShapefile(String workspace, String dsName, String dsNamespace, String relpath, String charset, Boolean memoryMappedBuffer, Boolean createSpatialIndex)
- String createSld(String stylename, String sldString)
- boolean createFeatureType(String wsName, String dsName, String ftName)
- boolean createFeatureType(String wsName, String dsName, String ftName)
- createDbDatastore(String workspace, String dsName, String dsNamespace, String host, String port, String db, String user, String pwd, String dbType, boolean exposePKs)
- boolean createWorkspace(String workspaceName)
- List of String getFeatureTypes(String wsName, String dsName)
- List of String getLayersUsingDatastore(String wsName, String dsName)
- List of String getLayerNames()
- deleteSld(String styleName, Boolean purge)