Cat's Cradle is a classic game played with a simple string tied in a loop. Many complex and beautiful designs can come out of manipulation of the string using just human hands. We are building a virtual version of Cat's Cradle that will exceed human limitations and let users construct 3D designs that are only limited by their imaginations. The controls and interface will be intuitive and easy to learn.
- User auth
- Sharing cat's cradles with other users
- Intuitive, stress-free cradle designing UI/UX
- Production README
- MERN stack
- Three.js
- CSS modules
- Geometrical and physical calculations of cat's cradle
- Designing intuitive, stress-free UI/UX for designing cat's cradle
All tasks are submitted and monitored via project board with kanban view and automated flow. Tasks, issues, and pull requests have one-to-one association. Group members may take on any task, but our general inclinations are
- Yucho - game logic, graphics
- Victoria - graphics, UX/UI, frontend
- Nhat - frontend, backend
- Demetri - backend
- All members read the MERN tutorials
- Set up database
- Establish Git workflow through project board
- Implement front end and back end user auth
- Write proposal
- Learn the MERN
- Establish Git workflow and branching strategies
- Backend API
- Cloud database setup
- Finish user auth
- Prototype styling
- Render basic shapes on screen
- Heroku deployment
- CRUD operations on vectors/nodes
- Math/logic behind gameplay
- Improve UX/UI
- Improve UX/UI
- Extra features such as share/like/follow