This project is a clone of done during Unit 3 Construct week at Masai School.
TravelGuru is a website that provides a platform for travelers to find hotels/ homestays in the city and locality of their choice.
CSS - For styling of the project
JavaScript - For functionalities of the project
HTML - For layout of project
JSON server - For REST API
To deploy this project run
Clone from git using command:
- git clone url
To run the API server using command:
- cd jsonserver
- npm run json:server
- Sign Up and Sign In functionality.
- A new hotel/homestay can partner with Travelguru by selecting the ‘Become a Host’ option.
- Search functionality on the main page to search for hotels.
- Result page showing all the search results with filters to display the hotels accordingly.
- Payment page.
What did you learn while building this project?
- Learnings:
- Project management and Github collaboration workflow.
- Cloning a website using HTML, CSS, and Javascript,rest API
Caryn D-SignIn ,SignUp page and search result page/functionality. @carynd
Nikhil Rane-Home and payment page/functionality. @Nikhil-Rane-Lab
Shashwat Awasthi-Navbar and ‘Become a Host’ page design/functionality. @awasthi-shashwat
Venkataraman Ethirajan-Homepage and Hotel display page/functionality. @Ganesh1966