edgex cluster simulation with snmp devices as linux servers
The idea is to simulate a network environment with a node acting as a edgex gateway pulling information (uptime in this example) from snmp capable iot nodes, the uptime data stream is used by a external developed application (monitor) that uses the informations to notify that a node has been rebooted trough telegram messages
flowchart TD
subgraph edgex_gateway
direction TB
E[edgex runtime]
A --send events to--> G
F --reads from--> G
subgraph iot_network
direction LR
B[iot node 1]
A --snmp queries--> B
install vagrant and virtualbox
create python venv and install dependencies
cd edgex_iot_simulation
python -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
- install geerlingguy.docker role
source env/bin/activate
ansible-galaxy role install geeringguy.docker
- start cluster
vagrant up
- run the preflight.yml playbook
ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml preflight.yml -e 'telegram_token=<INSERT_TOKEN>' -e 'telegram_channel_id=<INSERT_CHANNEL_ID>'
- in order to test the application simply restart the iot node
vagrant reload iot-node-1
- and then inspect logs on the edgex-runtime node
cd /usr/local/edgex-runtime
docker compose logs monitor
in order to run the playbook telegram configuration parameter are neded to start the monitoring application
telegram_token: token of the bot given from botfather telegram_channel_id: channel_id where to route reboot notification from the monitor app, this can be obtained by
- sending a message to the bot
- connecting to the url
the API will reply with a json with the chat id information
Monitor application is a simple python script that fetches the data from the edgex-core microservice and send a telegram message to the configured channel id, it's deployed exploiting the edgex compose file
flowchart TD
subgraph monitor
A --pull information from-->B
A --notify trough-->C