Runs a scoreboard that can be accessed using an HTTP REST API.
From the same directory than this file execute the following:
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
From the root directory (where is located the file) execute:
python3 -m
Make sure that the constant DEBUG is set to False in the file
Additionally, take into account that both the IPv4 address and port on which will be launched the HTTP API is set in the file. The application is comprised of clients and server processes, that communicates using ZMQ sockets. Each client exposes a copy of the HTTP API in the same IPv4 address, with ports ranging from the one specified in to +NUM_CLIENTS (as configured in That is, a 2-clients configuration, with configured DEFAULT_PORT equal to 8000, will expose the HTTP API in both 8000 and 8001 ports. This application is intended to be used in conjunction with an Nginx reverse proxy, to expose the HTTP REST API on a single IP:port using its load balancing capabilities.
The use of Python3 as programming language is aimed to reduce development time of this time restricted Code Challenge, since it is the one that currently allows me to code faster. However, Python 3 would not be the choice for a real production scoreboard implementation. See file for a reasoned explanation such as for deeper design considerations.
Simply make requests to the exposed HTTP REST API.
PUT /score
Send a new score value. Both absolute and relative values accepted.
{"user": <user_id>, "total": <total_score>} or {"user": <user_id>, "score": <relative_score>}
{"user": 123, "total": 250}
{"user": 456, "score": "+10"}
{"user": 789, "score": "-115"}
{"user": <user_id>, "total": <total_score>}
GET /top/<top_size>
Retrieves the Top <top_size> according to current scores.
/top/100 <- The Top100
/top/500 <- The Top500
[{"user": <user_id_top1>, "total": <total_score>}, {"user": <user_id_top2>, "total": <total_score>},
... {"user": <user_id_topN>, "total": <total_score>}]
with N == top_size
GET /top/<ranking_position>/<scope_size>
Retrieves the relative Top around the specified ranking position. Let be X the user that occupies the specified ranking position, the
/top/50/1 <- [{"user": 12, "total": 100}, {"user": 23, "total": 96}, {"user": 111, "total": 89}]
Position 49th Position 50th Position 51th
/top/3/2 <- [{"user": 3, "total": 1000}, {"user": 7, "total": 969}, {"user": 9, "total": 898},
{"user": 13, "total": 777}, {"user": 17, "total": 696} ]
Position 1st Position 2nd Position 3rd
Position 4th Position 5th
[{"user": <user_id_topN-scope_size>, "total": <total_score>}, ...
{"user": <user_id_topN+scope_size>, "total": <total_score>}]
with N == ranking_position
From the root directory (where is located the tests folder) execute:
python3 -m unittest tests.<test_filename>.<test_classname>.<test_name>
Make sure that the constant DEBUG is set to True in the file
From the root directory (where is located the tests folder) execute:
python3 -m unittest tests.<test_filename>.<test_classname>.<test_name>
python3 -m unittest tests.tests_scoreboard_wrapper.TestScoreboardWrapper.test_empty_creation_ok
Make sure that the constant DEBUG is set to True in the file