- Node.js 8.11.x
- NPM 5.6.x
- MetaMask 4.9.x
- Python 2.7.x
- ganache-cli 6.1.x
npm install -g ganache-cli
- Truffle 4.1.x
npm install -g truffle
- Go to the project directory and then:
npm install
- a. Make sure you are running a private Ethereum network with Ganache CLI on
Note a list of private keys printed on startup, you will need it later.
- Compile and migrate project contracts
truffle compile && truffle migrate
In your browser login in Metamask to Localhost 8545 and import accounts from the ganache-cli (using the private keys printed on terminal)
Start the local server and go to
npm start
Running the Truffle tests:
truffle test
The app is made with Angular 5. It shows the current user account selected in Metamask.