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Gift Redemption System illustrated in Ajax, Express, TypeORM, PostgreSQL, Docker

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santababy 🎅👶

Internal gift redemption system built using jQuery(should have used React), express, typeORM, postgreSQL, docker

Latest Notes

  • Docker is currently configured to run npm run dev, which is the development build (direct ts using ts-node). If deploying online, remember to use js npm start to save transpilation time, by changing dockerfile: in docker-compose.yml.
  • Frontend currently accepts staff_pass_id as a string. Upon click submit,
    • staff_pass_id is submitted to the first endpoint users/verify to verify whether user is a legitimate member of the organisation
    • after the async function completes, the output(json string with the fields validUser, teamName and staffPassId are passed to /redeemed/checkRedeemed via the function checkedRedeemed(). If checkRedeemed() returns false, call addRedeemed() which does a post req to the endpoint /redeemed/addRedeemed, else display "team has redeemed".
  • the endpoints /users is currently set to fetch all 5000 datapoints as
  • Tested endpoints users/verify, redeemed/checkRedeemed, redeemed/addRedeemed with postman, all functional
  • Should write seeding script so new developers don't need to docker cp and then load data into the db using psql
  • Db only instantiated inside santababy_db_1 docker container so npm run dev outside the container doesn't work
  • api contracts are in the respective controller files
  • swagger has a typo: checkRedeemed and addRedeemed should take in query parameters validUser, teamName and staffPassId (equivalent to the interface UserPayload)

Architecture and Technical Decisions

(Click to zoom in thank you) Santababy Architecture Diagram

  • While this project could have been implemented with a much simpler code base(maybe just express and direct sql queries), I chose to isolate my api interface, routing and business logic just in case I needed to modify/extend the logic of any portion. Was also interested in using this an opportunity to pick up new skills like typeORM and design patterns.
  • In hindsight, there were clear benefits: the code base design allows for expansion of API quite easily because the project has been organised into various layers - server, router, repository and models to enable customisation at any layer.
    • For instance, if I need to change the payload type from parameters (req.params.someField) to reference the request's body(req.body), I only need to change the respective subrouter that contains the endpoint, without having to deal with business logic in the repository layer.
  • Docker was used because I didn't want to risk compromising my local environment for my current internship.

Setting Up Locally:

  • Prerequisites: node.js, postgresql, docker, bash
  • A linux environment is environment is highly recommended for simplicity in onboarding, but not mandatory
git clone [email protected]:careylzh/santababy.git
cd santababy
npm i
npm i -d
docker-compose build
docker-compose up

Seeding the database

  1. Check that santababy_db_1, Santababy's database container, is running with docker ps
  2. Using the containerId you saw from docker ps, copy the csv file into the root directory of Santababy's database container: docker cp [directory of data.csv* outside the container] containerId:/data.csv
  3. Access the shell of Santababy's database container: docker exec -it santababy_db_1 bash
  4. Access Santababy's database and perform the necessary seeding:
psql -U postgres #default user defined in database.ts
\c santababy #select the database
COPY "users"("staff_pass_id","team_name","created_at") FROM '/data.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER;
  1. go to localhost:8000/users to verify that the database has been successfully seeded (you should see a huge array of json strings, each with the fields staff_pass_id, team_name and created_at
  • I renamed the given csv to data.csv for convenience


  • the mechanisms for retrieving staff_pass_id from the physical/digital credentials have been implemented.
  • redemptions are only team-based. individuals can't redeem for themselves(simplifies system)
  • once a teammate has redeemed on behalf of team, another teammate can't redeem for the team anymore
  • distribution admin team has already calculated the number of gifts to issue to each team
  • number of teams and number of gifts in each team are constant

TODO/Areas of Improvement

  • should probably allow administrators to add users to a team, which will change the number of gifts to be redeemed for each team
  • since dataset is pretty large (5000 entries), should do auto counting of number of gifts to be redeemed and map this number of gifts to the respective teams
  • standardise verify endpoint takes in payload with staffPassId instead of staff_pass_id (underscoring convention reserved for col names)
  • should probably keep api and frontend repos separate for actual deployment
  • use axios to simplify REST api calls. Ajax has been decreasing in popularity for good reasons
  • INVESTIGATE(urgent bugs that affect functionality. Not reflected in TODO):
    • Oversight: The endpoint which creates a redemption record, data is sent inside the post body, but gets the value via the query string - this creates undefined records in the redeemed_teams table
    • The validation to ensure each team can only collect one – validation failed but the request still passed through, thus, the old record was overwritten in the DB 🤔🤔🤔
    • The validation to check whether staff have redeemed doesn’t return any success/failure messages (implement Promise handling like .fail() .success())

TODO: General

  • consolidate setup docs
  • write api contract for your 2 api endpoints
  • how to organise monorepo with BE and FE directories from my current state(where BE node/docker inited at root directory)?

TODO: Backend

  • setup dev env: boilerplate for backend, adding logging, danger rules for commit
  • add the endpoint for user (only endpoint in this project)
  • add business logic to controller (should use ORM also)
  • dockerise server
  • typeORM for db query abstraction
  • dockerise db schema
  • spying unit tests for user controller
  • unit tests for user controller using faker
  • unit tests for redeemed controller
    • should return false if individual's team has not redeemed
    • should return true if individual's team has redeemed
    • should successfully add to database with correct date in epoch format, stored as a string
  • swaggerise project (API docs)
  • convert to production (so runs ts instead of js + no development packages. Edit dockerfile to point to Dockerfile instead of (if there's time)
  • write script to seed data from csv upon docker-compose up? Or can just seed locally docker cp and docker exec -it santababy_db_1 bash psql?
  • deploy on netlify/aws ec2 (if there's time)

TODO: Frontend

  • Frontend currently accepts staff_pass_id as a string and submits to the first endpoint users/verify to verify whether user is a legitimate member of the organisation. Need to take output from user/verify and send to /redeemed/checkRedeemed. If checkRedeeemed returns false, call endpoint /redeemed/addRedeemed on frontend and display successful redemption, else display "team has redeemed".
  • Should probably display the member count for each too so they can check how many gifts they need to redeem. Requires api change, possibly a new table?


  • linted using eslint on vsc
  • build: custom command I defined to transpile ts to js
  • tried docker cli deployment on Heroku. Didn't work because heroku requires its own config file heroku.yml too, which was not defined. So build failed
  • defined "outDir": "./build", in tsconfig.json

Personal Learning

  • doesn't matter if built inside src or in root dir
  • ts-node allows you to run typescript directly without having to transpile to js. Use during dev
  • added nodemon config to watch ts file changes (config: npm run dev)
    • nodemon only hot reloads ts files. If u change .html, .json, non-ts files, then you need to load them into the container again via docker-compose build
  • using morgan to log requests
  • using docker and typeORM modelling to implement db schema on first setup docker-compose build
  • the repository layer (directory) is the only way through which the server can query the database.
  • data mapper pattern (coined by Fowler - Each model having their own api repo file) is was first thought as an overkill to this project, since there are only 2 api methods. But clearly there were benefits to organising my api into different controllers, and not all in one huge file.
  • db schema from typeORM models layer also hot reloads everytime a ts file is change
  • api contracts should be consistent
  • req.params vs req.body (I think passing query params to api is much easier when dealing with frontend components. Need to investigate.)
  • keep data wrangling of the request in the router only. Keep controller/repo layer for business logic
  • what is the best practice for project structure in a monorepo? npm init inside src(server for api) and client(eg. react on express) respectively? Need to investigate.
  • how to use foreign keys to improve db design?


Gift Redemption System illustrated in Ajax, Express, TypeORM, PostgreSQL, Docker






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