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Distributed Sort is a tool to sort large files ( > 1GB) in a reasonable time.
The solution is to break up the input file into multiple segments, sort each 
one of the segments in parallel and merge all the sorted segments. 
Essentially a distributed merge sort. The software works on most unix like 
OSes and has been tested on linux, freeBSD and Mac OS X. The cluster consists 
of one initiator and multiple agents.  The initiator starts sorts on 
different agents and completes the merge once the sorts are done.
There is a binary (ssort) that runs on a single machine and avoids all 
intermediate files.

Running the software on a single machine.
a) Extract the code from github and compile. 
   cd <location of extract>;make release
b) cd bin; ssort <input file> <output file>

Prerequisites and configuration
None of the following are needed if you want to run the software locally.

Setup NFS so all the agents and the initiator have read and write 
access to the same disk area. The mount point on all machines in the 
cluster should be the same and should point to the same directory on 
the NFS server. Any recent NFS version should do.

Setup passwordless ssh from the initiator to all the agents. The userid 
to connect should be the same for all the agents.

Clang++ ver. >= 3.8.

Running the software in a cluster
a) Complete the configuration section and the section above.

b) Deploy to NFS.
   Create a new directory. It should be a child of the NFS mount point. 
   Lets call it deploy_dir.
   cd deploy_dir/scripts;./ deploy_dir will complain about a few missing header files. This is normal.

c) Compile the agent code on remote agents.
   cd deploy_dir/scripts
   Create a file with agent's machine names in the cluster. One 
   agent name per line. Lets call this file compList.
   Run ./ compList This will create an agent binary 
   for every machine.
   Create a scratch directory on each machine's local file system. 
   The name should be the same on all the machines. Add this name 
   to the config file, config.txt. It should be the value to the key 
   scratchLocation. For an example of the config.txt file, see the etc 

d) To sort the file. 
   cd deploy_dir/scripts
   Create a file with all the agent names. One agent name on each line. 
   Lets call this file runList.
   Run ./remoteStart <input file> <output file> runList
   Both output file and input file should be on NFS and be accessible to 
   all the agents and the initiator. Logs can be found in deploy_dir/logs.

Performance Comparision (ssort on a single machine).
Distributed sort was run on 3 different machines locally on a 
file containing 100 million records. For comparision, the same 
file was sorted using the platform's command line sort. 

The 3 machines are
a) Mint 20 2x Xeon E5405 2.0 GHz 8GB 8 Cores total
b) Ubuntu 18.04 AMD FX 8320 2.0 GHz 16GB
c) Mac OS x High Sierra Core i7 2.5 GHz 16 GB

The following are the elapsed times in seconds
Machine | Distributed Sort | Native sort |
|a      |      65          |   246       |
|b      |      38          |   111       |
|c      |      37          |   1516      |

Distributed sort is multithreaded which explains to a certain 
extent the differences in performance between it and the 
native sort on Linux. On Mac OS, the most likely exlpanation is that
native sort is IO constrained.
ssort is faster than the command line sort on Linux, MacOS and FreeBSD.

Performance for different input sizes 
Initiator on a linux machine and 1 agent each on a, b and c.
|No. of records in billion | Time to sort |
| 1                        | 474          |
| 2                        | 881          |
| 3                        | 2096         |
| 5                        | 4378         |

Future direction.
b) A facility to run or bind code in different languages. 
c) Merge seems to be inefficient at larger file sizes. 
   To be investigated.