The Apache Kafka benchmark charm uses the OpenMessaging tool to test both producer and consumer performance in the cluster.
The OpenMessaging allows for a distributed deployment, where the charm leader will run the main "manager" process and gather the metrics, whilst other units will act as followers and act as producer/consumers of the cluster.
Create a new Juju model:
juju add-model kafka-benchmark
Deploy Apache Kafka with Juju:
juju deploy kafka --channel=3/edge
juju deploy zookeeper --channel=3/edge
juju relate kafka zookeeper
Deploy the benchmark tool and relate it to the cluster:
juju deploy kafka-benchmark --channel=latest/edge
juju relate kafka kafka-benchmark
To kick start a benchmark, execute the following actions:
juju run kafka-benchmark/leader prepare # to set the environment and the cluster
juju run kafka-benchmark/leader run
The units will pick-up the command and start executing the benchmark.
To stop the benchmark, execute:
juju run kafka-benchmark/leader stop
Optionally, it is possible to clean the current benchmark data using:
juju run kafka-benchmark/leader cleanup
That will return both Apache Kafka benchmark charm and Apache Kafka cluster to their original condition.
Relate the Apache Kafka benchmark with a grafana-agent
For more details on how to deploy and configure COS and its agents, check the upstream documentation.
Once the grafana-agent
is deployed, relate it with:
juju relate grafana-agent kafka-benchmark
The benchmark data will be collected every 10s and sent to prometheus.
Please see the Juju SDK docs for guidelines on enhancements to this charm following best practice guidelines, and for developer guidance.
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Apache Kafka benchmark operator is free software, distributed under the Apache Software License, version 2.0. See LICENSE for more information.