Supports playing haptics on iOS with default UIImpactFeedbackGenerator and CoreHaptics for patterns and ahap files. Vibrates on Android.
yarn add @candlefinance/haptics
npm i @candlefinance/haptics
There are three functions:
import { haptic, hapticWithPattern } from '@candlefinance/haptics';
// light, medium, heavy, soft, rigid, warning, error, success, selectionChanged
// pattern
hapticWithPattern(['.', '.', '.', 'o', 'O', '-', 'O', 'o', '.', '.', '.', '.']);
// play ahap file (iOS only)
The pattern format:
- 'o' - medium impact
- 'O' - heavy impact
- '.' - light impact
- ':' - soft impact
- '-' - wait of 0.1 second
- '=' - wait of 1 second
For playing ahap files to the root of your project add a folder called haptics
and add your ahap files there. Use (Haptrix)[] or equivalent to generate ahap files.
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