Releases: camelStyleUser/Mindustry-1.0
release 1.3.1
the dirt
dirt 8b4513
stone floor 000000
dirt walls ffffff
enemy spawn ff0000
player core 0000ff
coal ore bfbfbf
iron ore ffa500
stone wall 8b8b8b
iron wall aaaaaa
stone drill 6b6b6b
iron drill c3a490
coal drill 272727
router 585858
smelter c9543d
heal turret b5e8a4
turret 1869a7
double turret aac7d7
machine turret c45938
conveyor up 474747
conveyor left 474748
conveyor down 474847
conveyor right 474848
release 1.3
we be synth building with this one
(when any buildings detected, no default buildings created)
stone floor 000000
dirt walls ffffff
enemy spawn ff0000
player core 0000ff
coal ore bfbfbf
iron ore ffa500
stone wall 8b8b8b
iron wall aaaaaa
stone drill 6b6b6b
iron drill c3a490
coal drill 272727
router 585858
smelter c9543d
heal turret b5e8a4
turret 1869a7
double turret aac7d7
machine turret c45938
conveyor up 474747
conveyor left 474748
conveyor down 474847
conveyor right 474848
the out-of-bounds checks we deserved
release 1.2
the map update we deserved
000000ff-stone floor
ffffffff-dirt wall
ff0000ff-enemy spawn
using predefined coal or iron in map will disable ore gen
release 1.1.1
added --full-map-path option for desktop
release 1.1
changed some things
release 1.0
prebuilt jar available
android release
release with android support