This is Arduino-based controller built to work in tandem with my MacroStepper project. The MacroStepper controls an X-axis linear actuator to enable fine movements of a camera along the axis in increments ranging from 100μm down to 1.25μm.
This YZ Specimen Stage Controller is not mounted to the X-axis of the MacroStepper, rather it controls the movement of the intended specimen, or subject, for the MacroStepper. As there is no need to record position, end-stops, speed, or sync with the MacroStepper in any way, this project is considerably more simple.
- Adafruit Feather Bluefruit 32u4
- TMC2130 stepper driver (x2)
- V7805-1000R voltage regulator
- Genuine Wii Nunchuk controller
- 4-pin GX12 aviation plugs and sockets (x3 pairs)
- V-Slot XY linear actuator
- V-Slot components for mounting actuator vertically
- Stepper motors (x2)
- Choose from 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, or 256 microsteps
- Control stepper speed based on Nunchuk controller input
- Disable Y, Z, or both axis motors via controller input
- Extra low speed mode for fine adjustment