statistics created from Duke University football games.
SOME OF THE VARIABLES USED IN THE DATASETS INCLUDE: OppName Name of Opposing Team FPI Football Power Index during the year listed. Sourced from ESPN. FPI_diff Difference between FPI of opposing team and FPI of Duke during the year listed. Surface Playing surface Day Day of the week (Mon, Tue, Wed, etc.) Start_Time Approx. start time of the game. 24-hr format. Minutes represented by decimals. For instance: 12:30 PM is represented by the value 12.5. 9:00 PM is represented by the value 21.0. Site Home, Away, or Neutral Result W for win, L for loss DukePts Points scored by Duke in the game OppPts Points scored by opposing team in the game PointDiff Difference in points scored b/w Duke and opposing team in the game AttNum Number of in-person attendees at the game AttPct Percent of total stadium capacity filled, represented by a decimal between 0 (for 0% full stadium) and 1 (for 100% full). ESPN_WinPred Percent chance (at kickoff) that Duke would win the game, per ESPN. Rain If significant rainfall occurred in the game's location/city during the DAY of the game. 1stSeedQB TRUE if the first-seed quarterback started the game, FALSE if otherwise SchoolBreak Did the game occur during a break in Duke classes? (TRUE/FALSE) NatlHoliday Did the game occur on the day of a national holiday? (TRUE/FALSE) TV_Coverage the network which aired the game live City City in which the game took place State State in which the game took place (abbreviated) Bowl TRUE if bowl game; FALSE otherwise UNC_Game TRUE if played against UNC; FALSE otherwise