Python script to monitor MPD and create a plain text file of info on currently playing media for ready access by other programs.
In OBS create a text source, set it to 'Read from file' and select 'nowplaying.txt' as the file to read.
Intended for Linux as written but should work on any platform MPD supports by setting the configuration variables to reflect your OS and setup.
Windows users: change line 63 so that / is replaced with \
Requires python3 and python-mpd2
pip3 install python-mpd2
Configuration defaults to "/home/username/.config/mpd/nowplaying.txt" for the output file and "localhost:6600" for the MPD server URL:port.
To change the default configs open in a text editor and put your full path and filename in 'outfile'
and the MPD server details in 'mpdURL' and 'mpdPort'