As described in article Aargh, 100 new requests while still serving the first one!;
Node.js has only one thread processing JavaScript code. What happens if a request comes in and a file needs to be read from the disk, and in the meantime there are 100 new incoming connections?
Wouldn't the file read callback have to wait until all the other connections are served?
Well, yes, the callback would have to wait for other events to be processed first. But it's all very ok.
server.js - reads file for first request and does nothing for the rest, uses request counter - starts server and initiates 100 concurrent connections using ab
npm install
and you'll see that file read initiated from serving request #1 completes only after other requests have arrived.
serving request #1
serving request #2
serving request #3
serving request #99
serving request #100
file read for request #1 complete