This HTML code represents a Gradient Background Generator. It is a simple web page that allows users to generate and customize a gradient background for their projects. The web page consists of a heading, a container section, and a current CSS background display.
The heading "Background Generator" is displayed using the 'Pacifico' font and is centered on the page.
The container section contains interactive elements for generating and customizing the gradient background. It includes a "Randomize" button, two color input fields represented as circular buttons (color1 and color2), and a "Rotate" button. The color input fields allow users to choose the start and end colors for the gradient, and the "Randomize" button generates a random gradient by randomly selecting colors and direction (left or right). The "Rotate" button changes the direction of the gradient between left and right.
Below the container section, there is a "Current CSS Background" heading followed by an empty
element dynamically displays the CSS code for the generated background, updating whenever the colors or direction are changed.
The script section at the end of the code contains JavaScript functions that handle the functionality of the background generator. These functions update the background gradient based on user input and display the corresponding CSS code.
Overall, this HTML code provides a user-friendly interface for creating and customizing gradient backgrounds, making it suitable for web development projects or any situation where a gradient background is desired.