The MySQL Binlog Events Library is a C++ library for reading MySQL replication events, either by connecting to a server or by reading from a file. To handle reading from a server, it includes a very simple client.
You need to have CMake version 2.8 or later and MySQL-5.7.x .
Now to get the libmysqlclient and the necessary include files you will have to do this:
Download the source code of mysql-5.7.x ( from the tab Development Releases.
Download the binaries of the same version. There are few header files which are needed for mysql-binlog compilation and they only come as part of the source file. To make these files available during compilation please set the environment variable MYSQL_SOURCE_INCLUDE_DIR=<mysql-5.7.x source code>/include.
To be able to run the unit tests, you have to have Google Test installed. Google Test will be automatically installed if cmake is called as:
|-- bindings Files for transport
| |-- include Include files
| |-- src Source files for library
|-- examples Examples
| |-- binlog-browser Example application to browse the binary log
|-- libbinlogevents Files to decode binlog events
| |-- include Include files
| |-- src Source files for library
|-- tests Unit test files and directories
To build the entire package, it is first necessary to run CMake to build all the makefiles. Before running CMake set this environment variable MYSQL_DIR to point to the MySQL binaries and then you can figure out where to find the right files in the cmake code.
We are using the statically linked version of libmysqlclient, so we need to pass -DMYSQLCLIENT_STATIC_LINKING:BOOL=TRUE along with the cmake command
export MYSQL_DIR=<path of mysql directory or libmysql>
make -j4
Some of the examples are using third-party software, which can require extra parameters to be given to CMake.
If you want to perform an out-of-source build, you can just create a build directory and execute CMake there.
mkdir build
cd build
cmake <source directory>
make -j4
Any value that not implement yet in mysql-binlog-events/bindings/src/value.cpp
, you can look in mysql-source-code/sql/
and find function log_event_print_value