Releases: buglabs/rtx-dweet
RTX 4140 Dweet Firmware for "MultiSensor" Board
Upload firmware to the 4140 WSAB using the WSAB dock per RTX's instructions; remove from WSAB Dock, and connect MultiSensor board to the WSAB; configure the devices's target access point using Easy Web Config mode (ie: hold SW2 while switching device On to turn device into its own access point; connect your computer to it and navigate a browser to; note the last six characters of MAC address, this will be used as the Dweet "Thing Name"; input details for your internet-connected access point and encryption then save and choose to reboot RTX device). Reconnect your computer to the internet-connected access point, and navigate to (replacing with last six characters of MAC address, all uppercase).
RTX 4140 Dweet Firmware for Havana Sensor Board
Upload firmware to the 4140 WSAB using the WSAB dock per RTX's instructions; remove from WSAB Dock, and connect the Havana Sensor board to the WSAB; configure the devices's target access point using Easy Web Config mode (ie: hold SW2 while switching device On to turn device into its own access point; connect your computer to it and navigate a browser to; note the last six characters of MAC address, this will be used as the Dweet "Thing Name"; input details for your internet-connected access point and encryption then save and choose to reboot RTX device). Reconnect your computer to the internet-connected access point, and navigate to (replacing with last six characters of MAC address, all uppercase).
RTX 4100 Dweet Firmware for "MultiSensor" Board
Upload firmware to the 4100 WSAB using the WSAB dock per RTX's instructions; remove from WSAB Dock, and connect the Multisensor Sensor board to the WSAB; configure the devices's target access point using Easy Web Config mode (ie: hold SW2 while switching device On to turn device into its own access point; connect your computer to it and navigate a browser to; note the last six characters of MAC address, this will be used as the Dweet "Thing Name"; input details for your internet-connected access point and encryption then save and choose to reboot RTX device). Reconnect your computer to the internet-connected access point, and navigate to (replacing with last six characters of MAC address, all uppercase).