The experiments here are an attempt to reproduce the results from and stresstest the NTL Model. For the original code go to to: This repo contains altered code from the original implementation, with stress-tests on robustness and lowering the amount of data the model is trained on. Results are only obtained on the fmnist / cifar10 dataset. This Repository is not maintained!
The full work can be found on
most of the changes to the original repo are in /Additional_CODE_BULE
/loe_utils # contains the helperfunctions for the saving of pickle files in the original LOE implementation
/ plots # plots of the results
/training_scripts # contains bash script to run multiple runs of the LOE blind etc of ntl
/utils # contains helper functions and model for the Added code from the project work
evaluating_models.ipynb # compares different models from project work and BOSCH LOE inspecting_dataset.ipynb # inspecting the features with dimensionality reduction method and rescaling of the features
run : python --config-file config_fmnist.yml --contamination 0.0 --assumed-contamination 0.0 --dataset-name fmnist --trainset_fraction
if you want different loss functions etc. change the config file
- it saves the contaminated results in a different folder, to concatenate them run the function:
concatenate_allresults(MODEL_RESULT_PATH:str,modelname:str='loe_hard',assumed_contamination:float=0.0,n_runs:int=5) from LatentOE-AD/Additional_Code_BULE/loe_utils/
for the multi-run bash scripts run:
bash Additional_Code_BULE/training_scripts/
- downsample dataset with: Extract_img_features import downsample_dataset on the extraced features
run training_scripts/ training_main_*.py
- it automatically saves the pickle files of the results in a folder under RESULTS/
each run gets an allresults_run_{}.pkl file which contains all the results for the different contamination ratios
- evaluating_models.ipynb