Adds a Flattr-button to Leaflet based maps. It supports already existing Flattr things and not yet existing Flattr things which will be created on the first Flattr to the thing.
Feel free to flattr me if you like it:
This code is licensed under CC0.
Adding a Flattr button to a map is just as simple as:
map.addControl(L.flattrButton({ flattrId: '1198724' }));
buttonType: 'countercompact',
flattrUrl: ''
autosubmit: true,
flattrUid: 'kranich',
flattrUrl: ''
Note: I've used the Flattr thing for this code for the examples.
Some options are available to configure this control ( default value is bold):
- autosubmit: false or true. Use false if the Flattr thing already exists and true if the Flattr thing should be created on the first Flattr. Be careful, changing the default value affects what options are mandatory!
- buttonType: 'static', 'widget', 'countercompact' or 'counterlarge'. Tell us what kind of button you like to have. Depending on the buttonType other options need to be set.
- buttonContent: 'badge', 'icon' or some HTML content. Only used for buttonType='static'. Badge is 9320 pixels, icon is 1616px, or set this option value to your own HTML content.
- flattrUid: null Your username on Flattr.
- flattrId: null The id of your (already existing) Flattr thing.
- flattrUrl: null The URL of your Flattr thing.
- flattrTitle: null The title of your Flattr thing.
- flattrDesc: null The description of your Flattr thing.
- flattrLang: null The language of your Flattr thing, see Flattr/languages.txt for available languages.
- flattrTags: null The tags of your Flattr thing, multiple tags are separated with
(comma). - flattrCategory: null The category of your Flattr thing, see Flattr/categories.txt for valid categories.
- flattrHidden: false or true. If you want to hide your Flattr thing from public listings on set this to true.
- popout: true or false, show popout when hovering mouse over counter button (true) or hide it (false).
- counterDelay: 500 Only used for buttonType='countercompact'|'counterlarge'. Time in milliseconds we'll wait before initializing the button with some javascript functions after adding it to the map. The map needs some time to add the control and we cannot initialize the functions before that.
- position: 'topright', 'topleft', 'bottomright' or 'bottomleft'. Default position values for Leaflet controls.
Some options are only used for some kind of buttons. It's a big difference if you're using standard or autosubmit features. Here's a short description which options to use.
Static button:
- flattrId: The id of your already existing Flattr thing
- buttonContent: (optional) 'badge', 'icon' or some HTML code
Button with counter (compact or large):
- buttonType: 'countercompact' or 'counterlarge'
- flattrUrl: The URL of your already existing Flattr thing
- popout: (optional) false if you don't want to show a popout when hovering the mouse over the counter button
- buttonType: 'widget'
- flattrId: The id of your already existing Flattr thing
The Flattr thing will be created when the first person flattrs it (this will not work for buttonType widget). These options are mandatory for all buttons:
- autosubmit: 'true'
- flattrUid: Your username on Flattr
- flattrUrl: The URL of your Flattr thing
and optionally:
- flattrTitle: The title of the Flattr thing
- flattrDesc: The description of the Flattr thing
- flattrLang: The language of the Flattr thing, see Flattr/languages.txt for available languages
- flattrTags: The tags of the Flattr thing, multiple tags are separated with
(comma) - flattrCategory: The category of the Flattr thing, see Flattr/categories.txt for valid categories
- flattrHidden: If you want to hide the Flattr thing from public listings on set this to true
For a static button:
- buttonContent: (optional) 'badge', 'icon' or some HTML code
For a button with counter (compact or large):
- buttonType: 'countercompact' or 'counterlarge'
- popout: (optional) false if you don't want to show a popout when hovering the mouse over the counter button
Here are the most important lines for a simple static button. I'm using this Flattr project as an example:
Flattr project is:
Set these options:
- buttonType is 'static' (but you can ignore this option because it is the default value)
- flattrId is '1198724' (this is important)
<script src="leaflet.js"></script>
<script src="leaflet-flattrbutton.js"></script>
var osm = L.tileLayer('http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
maxZoom: 18, attribution: '[insert correct attribution here!]' });
var map ='map', { center: new L.LatLng(51.5, 10), zoom: 10, layers: [osm] });
// now create and add the Flattr-button
map.addControl(L.flattrButton({ flattrId: '1198724' }));
Don't you like the pre-defined images? Just insert your own HTML code:
<script src="leaflet.js"></script>
<script src="leaflet-flattrbutton.js"></script>
var osm = L.tileLayer('http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
maxZoom: 18, attribution: '[insert correct attribution here!]' });
var map ='map', { center: new L.LatLng(51.5, 10), zoom: 10, layers: [osm] });
// now create and add the Flattr-button
flattrId: '1198724',
buttonContent: '<div class="myBigRedBlinkingText">[Click me!]</div>'
I'm using this Flattr project as an example:
Flattr project is: Registered website for this Flattr project is: (This is called "The web page where you want to place the button" when creating the Flattr project)
Set these options:
- buttonType is 'countercompact'
- flattrUrl is ''
<script src="leaflet.js"></script>
<script src="leaflet-flattrbutton.js"></script>
var osm = L.tileLayer('http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
maxZoom: 18, attribution: '[insert correct attribution here!]' });
var map ='map', { center: new L.LatLng(51.5, 10), zoom: 10, layers: [osm] });
// now create and add the Flattr-button
buttonType: 'countercompact',
flattrUrl: ''
Example: Compact button with counter for a not yet existing Flattr thing (autosubmit) and without popout
<script src="leaflet.js"></script>
<script src="leaflet-flattrbutton.js"></script>
var osm = L.tileLayer('http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
maxZoom: 18, attribution: '[insert correct attribution here!]' });
var map ='map', { center: new L.LatLng(51.5, 10), zoom: 10, layers: [osm] });
// now create and add the Flattr-button
autosubmit: true,
buttonType: 'countercompact',
flattrUid: 'kranich',
flattrUrl: '',
flattrTitle: 'Leaflet-Flattr-Buttons',
flattrDesc: 'Bring Flattr to Leaflet maps',
flattrLang: 'en_GB',
flattrTags: 'OpenStreetMap,OSM,Leaflet,Flattr',
flattrCategory: 'software',
popout: false