To build:
- Maven 3.3.9
- JDK 1.8.0_121 To deploy:
- Google Cloud CLI
Component of a microservice architecture, developed with a Mobile First
REST API: Spring Boot 2.2.1.RELEASE Templating Engine: Thymeleaf Java testing: JUnit 5 Jupiter Client-side: JQuery 3.4.1 UI: Bootstrap 4.3.1
In the main project directory, where pom.xml
resides, execute:
mvn clean package
Maven will build the project and generate a target
directory, which will contain the project JAR package.
To build and skip unit tests, execute:
mvn clean package -DskipTests
With the back-end built and target
directory with JAR present, open a CMD window.
Execute: java -jar connectedgraphs-*.jar
Open a browser and navigate to:
To view the available API endpoints and details about them:
Ensure the project is running and you can navigate to
Navigate to: http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html
- Build Docker image:
gcloud builds submit --tag
- Deploy the image:
gcloud beta run deploy --image
- Select [1] Cloud Run (fully managed) for the target platform
- Select [3] us-central1 for the region
- Press
to select the default for service name (connectedgraphs)
For further reference, please consider the following sections:
The following guides illustrate how to use some features concretely:
- Building a RESTful Web Service
- Serving Web Content with Spring MVC
- Building REST services with Spring
For a single graph run, use the left panel.
Enter the number of vertices. Preferably for a low value, as a large number of vertices in a
directed graph of N vertices will have N*(N-1) possible edges (e.g., 200 vertices have 200*(199)=39800
that have to be checked.
Select the type of graph - directed
or undirected
Click Connect Vertices
- result of # of edges will be displayed to the right.
To run a simulation, use the right panel. Enter the number of desired runs in the input field. As mentioned above, try to keep N within reasonable bounds so as to limit the growth.
Click Run Simulation
- you can press Ctrl+Shift+I
and view the console output for details.
The first 30 results will be plotted in the graph at the bottom of the page. The x axis signifies
the number of vertices. The y axis is the number of edges it took to connect the graph. On occasion,
the simulation degenerates and the number of edges for a given N value will be displayed as the maximum
possible. Re-run the N value using the single graph run left panel.
Debug is turned on by default. Press Ctr+Shft+I
or F12
on some browsers to view the console.
Running the application locally will also display details in the console.