This pipeline can be used to assemble metagenomes and extract contigs containing a protein with a specific function, as well as surrounding genes.
To run on a local machine, set up the following conda environment:
conda create -n mgc -c conda-forge -c bioconda -c nodefaults \
sra-tools pigz pbzip2 snakemake-wrapper-utils snakemake-minimal \
bbmap spades python==3.9 fasta-splitter prodigal hmmer pyfaidx \
pandas pyranges
Next, clone this github repo somewhere on your machine using the following command:
git clone
From here, we can set a few bash variables specifying our input parameters and then run the program.
# Specify which SRR or ERR run you'd like to download -- must be paired-end reads!
export accession=ERR1136736
# Specify how many CPUs you have available
export coreNum=12
# Specify how much RAM you have available (in megabytes and gigabytes)
export mem_mb=64000
export mem_gb=64
# Specify which PFAM you'd like to analyze
export pfam=PF00009
# Specify the interval you'd like to use for genomic context
# up/downstream of a target gene
export interval=5000
# Specify the path to the output directory
export outdir=outdir
# Specify the path to this repo
export repo_path=/home/bmerrill/user_data/Projects/github_projects/MetaGenomeContext
# Activate your conda environment
conda activate mgc
# Run the workflow
snakemake -p -j $coreNum --resources mem_mb=$mem_mb \
-s ${repo_path%/}/scripts/Snakefile_MGC --config accession=$accession \
all_cpu=$coreNum mem_gb=$mem_gb skip_ec='--only-assembler' \
pfam=$pfam interval=$interval outdir=${outdir%/}/ \
scripts=${repo_path%/}/scripts \
--configfile ${repo_path%/}/scripts/config.yaml #-n --debug-dag
You can remove the comment from the snakemake
command to do a dry run (-n
) and provide extra context why something isn't working (--debug-dag
To run on AWS, assuming awscli
and aegea
are installed, we just need to generate a submit command. Here's an example one:
echo "Submitting ERR1136736 and PF00009 ..." 2>&1 | tee -a AEGEA.log
aegea batch submit --queue sonn --retry-attempts 3 \
--image bmerrill9/metagenomecontext:latest --storage /mnt=500 \
--vcpus 16 --memory 64000 \
--command="export coreNum=16; export mem_mb=64000; \
export accession=ERR1136736; export pfam=PF00009; \
export interval=10000; \
export DATA_DEST=s3://sonn-current/users/bmerrill/220831_mgc_testing/round1; \
./" 2>&1 >> AEGEA.log
This will place exported files in the path specified by DATA_DEST
You can see the expected output below.
Your outdir
directory should contain the following folders upon successful completion of the workflow.
└── ERR1136736
├── 00_LOGS
├── 02_TRIMMED
├── hmms
└── split
Contents of 00_LOGS
This contains stdout/stderr from a few of the Snakemake rules.
├── 01__get_fastq.ERR1136736.log
├── 02__adapter_and_quality_trim.ERR1136736.log
├── 03__metaspades.ERR1136736.log
├── 04__split_files.ERR1136736.log
└── ERR1136736.done
is not generated yet, but this directory will eventually hold FASTQC outputs on reads before/after trimming.
Contents of 02_TRIMMED
Forward and reverse reads folloiwng processing by
as part of the workflow.
├── QC_ERR1136736_R1.fastq.gz
└── QC_ERR1136736_R2.fastq.gz
Contents of 03_ASSEMBLY
Here you'll find the default metaSPAdes outputs, as well as these METASPADES_
files, where contig/scaffold names have been prefixed with ERR1136736__
├── ...
├── K21
├── K33
├── K55
├── METASPADES_ERR1136736.contigs.fasta
├── METASPADES_ERR1136736.scaffolds.fasta
├── ...
Contents of 04_ANNOTATION
Here you'll find the Prodigal-generated .faa
and gff
files containing proteins and gene calls from the entire metagenome assembly. You'll also find a .txt
and .tsv
file from the raw and parsed hmmsearch
├── METASPADES_ERR1136736.scaffolds.faa
├── METASPADES_ERR1136736.scaffolds.faa.fai
├── METASPADES_ERR1136736.scaffolds.gff
├── METASPADES_ERR1136736.scaffolds.PF00009.tsv
└── METASPADES_ERR1136736.scaffolds.PF00009.txt
Contents of 05_INTERVALS
Here you'll find one .faa
and one .gff
for each interval identified. An interval consists of one or more proteins with a PFAM domain of interest, as well as genes that fall within +/- n base pairs on either side of the protein(s) of interest.
├── interval_1.faa
├── interval_1.gff
├── interval_2.faa
├── interval_2.gff
├── ...
There are several caveats/considerations regarding this workflow.
- Though only currently designed to take in a single
, some code is in place to provide more than one. - Designing a useful output required some concessions to be made. One of these is that proteins containing target pfam domains might lie within
base pairs of each other. One option would be to generate a.faa
file for each protein and its genomic neighbors regardless of proximity. However, in favor of a simpler output, when two proteins lie withininterval
base pairs of each other, the intervals are merged, and only one is reported. - This pipeline utilizes Snakemake within a Docker image that contains all dependencies. Files are generated within the Docker image, and in this case, copied to aws s3 before the container and ec2 instance are shut down. Another way to run this would be to containerize each Snakemake rule and point at cloud storage paths, rather than local storage paths. Using Snakemake in this way would improve portability.
- To facilitate computing these intervals I used the
packages. However, these steps as currently implemented are very slow, especially for large assemblies, and would greatly benefit from parallelization or more efficient use of these packages. One solution within Snakemake might be to run theidentify_intervals
rule on the split files, rather than running it after thecombine_files
rule. - Output size could also be reduced by only outputting intervals with at least n genes. Right now, single-gene contigs containing a pfam domain of interest are output.
- A single, aggregated table would also be useful. This could be generated by aggregating all of the
files. - Many output files could be gzipped to reduce size.