Go to the project directory (the directory containing BankBalance.sln) and run the following cmd command
copy BankBalanceWebService\ConfigTemplate.xml ..\Settings\BankBalanceWebService\SecretWebConfig.config
You may need to create the necessary folders. Open the file in a text editor and fill in any wanted config. Remove any you don't need.
- Deploy BankeBalanceWebService from VisualStudio
- FTP into the server hosting the web service
- Go to / ** There should be two folders: LogFiles and site
- Create a new folder called Settings
- Within that, create a new folder called BankBalanceWebService
- Copy your SecretWebConfig.config file to this folder
- Build and run BankBalanceWebService from Visual Studio
- Go to http://localhost:12345/swagger
- Enter one of your account numbers in Account > GET /account/{accountNumber}
- If the acount has been loaded, it will be returned to you
- If you get a 503, wait a minute or two for the web service to finish navigating the online banking sites