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A repo to obtain Azure Monitor metrics and consume them using Promitor

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Promitor Samples

A repo to ilustrate how to consume Azure Monitor metrics using Promitor. Based on Azure Redis and Azure PosgreSQL.


In order to use the samples in this repo you must have:


  1. Install Sample applications.
  2. Install helm in your cluster.
  3. Deploy Promitor.
  4. Deploy prometheus to scrape promitor.
  5. (Extra) Deploy grafana to see graphs of your info.

Run samples applications to start consuming Redis and PostgreSQL

In this repo, we include a couple of sample applications to start generating metrics of the services. Here are the instruction on How to deploy redis and postgreSQL sample applications

Pre-req Installing Helm

Install helm cli in your machine, and then install helm on your cluster. To install it on your cluster here is the official AKS documentation on how to install helm. Or if TL;DR follow the next commands:

  1. Deploy a Service Account for helm to have permissions to install apps on your cluster
kubectl apply -f
  1. Install tiller in your cluster using your previous installed Helm CLI:
helm init --service-account tiller

Deploy promitor

Obtain Monitoring Reader permissions

You can list your resource groups to confirm the name of your resource group that contains your Redis and PostgreSQL instances:

az group list -o table

Name                                               Location       Status
-------------------------------------------------  -------------  ---------
aksdebug-test                                      canadacentral  Succeeded
MC_aksdebug-test_aks-debug-test-001_canadacentral  canadacentral  Succeeded

In this sample, the resources are inside the resource group called aksdebug-test-oh1. Substitute the following command with your resource group name:

export RG= <<resource group name >>

To obtain the ID from the subscription currently being used in your azure terminal you can run the following command:

export SUB_ID=$(az account show -o tsv --query id)

Create a Service Principal with Monitoring Reader role permissions to this Resosurce group:

az ad sp create-for-rbac \
  --role="Monitoring Reader" \

You will obtain the following service principal. You will need this information later:

  "appId": <app-id>,
  "displayName": <display-name>,
  "name": <name>,
  "password": <app-key>,
  "tenant": <tenant-id>

Generic Metrics Configuration for PostgreSQL and Redis

Download the sample file of metrics-config.yaml file, you can use wget or curl -O:


Make sure to replace the values of <app-id>, <app-key>, <tenant-id> and <sub-id> with your actual values. This config file retrieves the following 2 metrics totalCommandsProcessed in Redis and cpu_percent of PostgreSQL every 2 minutes.

Feel free to change these for your desired Metric and Aggregation types:

Also you can see more information in Promitor's official docs. After your configuration file is done, you can pass it to helm to install promitor.

Specific scrapers for Redis and PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL and Redis scrapers have been merged into Promitor master branch and will be available in v1.0.0 release in late June/early July.

You need to use the --set flag in the helm install command (below) in order to override the repository and tag to use:

--set image.repository='tomkerkhove/promitor-agent-scraper' --set image.tag='1.0.0-preview-8'

Some sample metrics declaration files for each of these scraper are available in this repo:

Helm install Promitor

helm repo add promitor
helm install promitor/promitor-agent-scraper --name promitor-agent-scraper -f metrics-config.yaml

Deploy Prometheus

Use a configuration file to indicate Prometheus to scrape data from Promitor.

helm install stable/prometheus -f

Add a Prometheus job to scrape Promitor

Warning: this section works only if you have deployed Prometheus through the Prometheus Operator.

In order to tell Prometheus to scape your newly deployed Promitor you can add a ServiceMonitor resource. This Custom Rsource Definition is provided by the Prometheus operator.

kubectl apply -f promitor/service-monitor.yaml

Note: this sample of ServiceMonitor works fine with a Prometheus operator deployed with the name prometheus. You will need to update the prometheus: prometheus label on the ServiceMonitor if you used a different name.

Viewing Metrics

See the promitor service in your local machine by forwarding the port:

kubectl port-forward svc/promitor-agent-scraper 8080:8888

Navigate to the following URL in your browser:

It can take some minutes, depending on the scraping schedule, but you should see the metrics like in the following sample output:

# HELP generic_postgresql_scraper test
# TYPE generic_postgresql_scraper gauge
generic_postgresql_scraper{resource_uri="subscriptions/<sub-id>/resourceGroups/<rg-name>/providers/Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers/postgresql-sample"} 3.975 1560790804135
# HELP promitor_ratelimit_arm Indication how many calls are still available before Azure Resource Manager is going to throttle us.
# TYPE promitor_ratelimit_arm gauge
promitor_ratelimit_arm{tenant_id=<tenant-id>,subscription_id=<sub-id>,app_id=<app-id>} 11982 1560790804101

If you are having issues seeing your metrics, you can see Promitor's logs with the following command:

kubectl logs -l app=promitor-agent-scraper

Alerting and metrics insights

This is discussed in our seciton of:


A repo to obtain Azure Monitor metrics and consume them using Promitor






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