A set of practice and demo code of Programming with Google Go Specialization on Coursera
Programming with Google Go Specialization
Advance your computer programming career. Develop efficient applications with Google's innovative programming language, Go!
- Week_1_Introduction to the specialization
- Overview and why should we study Go
- Installing Go development environment, and Go tool
- Objects
- Variables as well as variable initialization
- Workspaces & packages
- Week_1 Quiz
- Project: Hello World
- Week_2_Basic data types
- Pointers
- Variable scope
- Memory allocation as well as Garbage collection (i.e., GC)
- Comment and Basic output
- Numerical primitive data types: Ints, Floats, Strings
- Constants
- Control flow and Basic input
- Week_2 Quiz
- Project: String operation (find-"ian")
- Week_3_Composite Data Types
- Arrays
- Slices (window of allocated memory spaces)
- Variable slices
- Hash tables and Maps
- Structure ( Golang Struct )
- Week_3 Quiz
- Project: Slice operation
- Week_4_Protocol and Formats
- IETF Request for Comments (aka RFC)
- Java Script Object Notation (aka JSON)
- File operation
- I/O utility and os package
- Project: Make a JSON
- Final project: Read a file and print content (read)
- Week_1_Functions and organization
- Modularization and function
- Function parameters as well as return values
- Call by value vs Call by reference
- Passing arrays and slices
- Guideline for functions
- Week_1 Quiz
- Project: Implement Bubble Sort
- Week_2_Function types
- First-class values
- Use function as return
- Variadic parameters
- Deferred statement
- Week_2 Quiz
- Project: Implement physic displacement formula
- Week_3_Object orientation in Go
- Classes and encapsulation
- Support for classes
- Point and reference
- Pass a pointer as well as dereference a pointer
- Week_3 Quiz
- Project: Animal
- Week_4_Interfaces for abstraction
- Polymorphism
- Interfaces
- Concrete type
- Type assertions
- Error handling
- Week_4 Quiz
- Project: Animal behavoir simulation
- Week_1_Why use concurrency
- Parallel execution as well as concurrent execution
- Von neumann bottleneck as well as CPU Architecture
- Moore's Law
- Power wall
- Hiding latency
- Week_1 Quiz
- Project: Mini essay and Moore's Law and its limitation
- Week_2_Basic knowledge about concurrency
- Processes
- Scheduling
- Treads and go-routine
- Interleavings
- Shared variable as well as race condition
- Week_2 Quiz
- Project: Explain and demo race condition
- Week_3_Thrads in Go
- Go-routines
- Synchronization as well as blocking/non-blocking
- Wait groups
- Thread communication
- Channels
- Buffered and non-buffered channels
- Week_3 Quiz
- Project: Implement sorting with 4 different go-routines
- Week_4_Synchronized Communication
- Blocking on channels
- Select syntax with channels
- Mutual exclusion, lock, and mutex
- Depth First Search (i.e., DFS) Traversal
- Starvation and Deadlock
- Classic Dining Philosopher Problem
- Week_4 Quiz
- Project: Implement dining philosopher model