A template repository to help you build NFT based applications using the Holaplex Hub.
- NextJS 13 web framework (app directory enabled)
- Postgres database management using Prisma ORM
- User management with social based login through next-auth
- Style application using Tailwind
- Holaplex Hub SDK
schema.prisma # prisma schema file
/migrations # prisma auto-generated migration files
/app # next js app directory
Home.tsx # customize your mint page here
/login # social sign up or login
/api # next js api routes
graphql.ts # apps graphql server
holaplex.ts # incoming webhooks from Holaplex
/modules # utility clients and functions
db.ts # prisma db client
holaplex.ts # configured holaplex client
/queries # holaplex and app api queries
/mutations # holaplex and app api mutations
tailwind.config.js # color theme
In your exampleLocal.env and exampleRender.env you will need google auth credentials (ClientID and Secret). In Google Cloud Platform: Search for 'Api Credentials' -> create credentials for OAuth2.0.
Later when you generate your site using render and have the URL, you will need to add the following to your Oauth:
- Javascript Origins:
- Redirect URLs:
Ensure you have nodejs and docker installed on your workstation. Refer to exampleLocal.env
for the required variables.
# start postgres in a docker container
docker compose up -d
# install dependencies
npm install
# setup database
npm run db
# setup prisma client
npm run generate
# boot up the app
npm run dev
See your app at http://localhost:3000
The starter is designed to be deployed to Render using their Infrastructure as Code (IaC) configuration file render.yaml. The IaC manifest will set up a web server for the mint page and a database for storing users, sessions, and wallets. Note: you must have a paid subscription to Render to deploy a Blueprint as described below.
On render.com navigate to the BluePrint
- New Blueprint Instance
- Connect your repo, define your Blueprint name and branch.
- Refer to the exampleRender.env file for the environment variables required. Place them into the: Dashboard -> web-service -> Environment page
- To generate the NEXTAUTH_SECRET environment variable, in Render: dashboard -> myWebService -> shell:
openssl rand -base64 32
After deploying the environment, we need to seed the database. Run the following command in Render -> dashboard -> myWebService -> shell:
npm run db