Movie Tracker was designed as my final project for Threehouse's Full Stack JavaScript Techdegree.
This project uses a handful of technologies, including but not limited to:
- React
- Firebase
- Twilio
- MongoDB
- Node/Express
Part of the project requirements were to use a minimum of two APIs. I decided to use APIs from Twilio (for sms messaging), and The [Movie Database (TMBd)] (
I'm a huge fan of movies and the overall movie theater experience. And I wanted to create something I was passionate about and had an interest in. I see a lot a movies in theaters, and realized that at the end of each year I have a hard time remembering which movies I've seen.
Movie Tracker has two primary pieces of functionality (with more to come). It will:
- Allow you to keep track of the movies you've seen.
- Send you SMS updates the day before movies you want to see are released in theaters.
Here's an example of the My Movies section. Here you can see the movies you've seen, and the movies you want to see. You can also enable text notifications from this screen.
If you'd like to run this on your local machine, you'll need to get API/access keys for these services:
After you've received keys for each of those services, place them in the ".env.example" file. Once you're ready to go, remove ".example" from the file name so it's ".env"
npm install
and then
npm start
Rock and roll! 🎸