Unreal Engine plugin for BrainFlow
- Unreal Engine 4.25+
- Visual Studio 2019(for Windows)
Other versions of Visual Studio may also work, but version of Visual Studio used to compile BrainFlow should match version of Visual Studio in Unreal Engine.
- Compile BrainFlow for your OS, arch, and build type
- Create Plugins folder in your project(skip it if you already have one)
- Copy this folder to your Plugins folder
- Refresh your VS solution, in Unreal Engine Player click File->Refresh Visual Studio Project
- Enable BrainFlowPlugin for your project. In [ProjectName].Build.cs add smth like
PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { "Core", "CoreUObject", "Engine", "InputCore", "BrainFlowPlugin" });
First of all, you need to get files from submodule:
git submodule init .
git submodule update --remote # this will get the latest changes from master branch
Compile brainflow using:
cd brainflow
python tools/build.py --clear-build-dir --cmake-install-prefix %FULL_PATH_TO_CLONED_FOLDER%/BrainFlowPlugin/Source/BrainFlowPlugin/Compiled/linux
# to use debug version you need to add --debug flag
Compile brainflow using:
cd brainflow
python tools/build.py --clear-build-dir --cmake-install-prefix %FULL_PATH_TO_CLONED_FOLDER%/BrainFlowPlugin/Source/BrainFlowPlugin/Compiled/macos
# to use debug version you need to add --debug flag
Compile brainflow using:
cd brainflow
python tools/build.py --clear-build-dir --cmake-install-prefix %FULL_PATH_TO_CLONED_FOLDER%/BrainFlowPlugin/Source/BrainFlowPlugin/Compiled/macos --cmake-osx-architectures=arm64
# to use debug version you need to add --debug flag
Compile brainflow using:
cd brainflow
python tools\build.py --clear-build-dir --cmake-install-prefix %FULL_PATH_TO_CLONED_FOLDER%\BrainFlowPlugin\Source\BrainFlowPlugin\Compiled\Win32_dynamic --msvc-runtime dynamic --arch Win32
# to use debug version you need to add --debug flag
Compile brainflow using:
cd brainflow
python tools\build.py --clear-build-dir --cmake-install-prefix %FULL_PATH_TO_CLONED_FOLDER%\BrainFlowPlugin\Source\BrainFlowPlugin\Compiled\x64_dynamic --msvc-runtime dynamic --arch x64
# to use debug version you need to add --debug flag
This build script has more options, feel free to run python tools/build.py --help
to list them.