Slash command in Slack which adds a line of text to a user specified file (e.g. /brady add custom emoji! adds 'add custom emoji!' to my todo list)
- Node.js
- Slack API token (and a Slack account)
- A secret password to use only for this integration (e.g. md5 hash of your father's maiden name)
- A heroku account and the heroku command line utility installed
- File id for a snippet on Slack (open the snippet in your browser -- you should see a file id in the url, it will look similar to 'F02554SF8')
- 5 minutes of your time
- Clone source 'git clone'
- Install node dependencies 'npm install'
- Create heroku app 'heroku create' and remember this subdomain!
- Push to heroku 'git push heroku master'
- Make sure at least 1 dyno is running 'heroku ps:scale web=1'
- Add a new slash command to slack at with your url constructed like below
- Add two config variables to your heroku app 'heroku config:add slack_token=API-TOKEN' and 'heroku config:add slack_secret=SECRET-PASSWORD' replacing API-TOKEN and SECRET-PASSWORD with applicable values.
- Anyone on your team can now type in your slash command in Slack and it should work! Ping me on Twitter if you run into any issues @bradyy
In the end, it should look like this: