A small application in Rust to forward/ convert incoming MQTT messages into MIDI messages. This application was made to drive a drumcomputer and synthesizer remotely using MIDI CC and Program Changes, notes have not been tested.
The application expects a config.toml file next to it which contains the MQTT broker information as well as which MIDI port to use.
Example config.toml
host = ""
port = 1883
topic = "midi/#"
qos = 0
username: "username" (optional)
password: "password" (optional)
port = "MIDI Out 1"
You have to specify one of the below cli options:
Lists all the MIDI output devices available on the system*
Run in daemon mode
*For Windows, install LoopMIDI to get a working virtual port
In daemon mode, the application takes the last 2 parts of the topic name as the MIDI channel and control number to use (e.g. topic 'midi/176/10' would become 'channel' 176 which is CH1 MIDI CC with 'control' number 10). The topic itself must contain a payload in raw that holds the value as integer (value between 0-127):
You can find a list of MIDI channels here.
An example of a topic would be: midi/185/10
. We could then send a raw value between 0 and 127 which would send a MIDI CC 10 message for channel 1.
If you send a raw value to just the channel, you can control Program Changes. E.g. midi/185