to meet your requirements and environment
To start the demo, use make
to go through the process
# make
help This help
glcoud-init Login into GCP environment and create or switch to project
gke-create-cluster Create GKE cluster
gke-delete-cluster Delete GKE cluster
gke-credentials-cluster Set kube context to GKE cluster
gke-info-clusters Get info of KGE clusters
gcp-create-vms Create and start GCP virtual machines
gcp-delete-vms Delete GCP virtual machines
istio-certs Install istio certificates
istio-install Install Tetrate Istio Distro
istio-info Get Tetrate Istio Distro information
deploy-worloads-k8s Deploy workloads on k8s
undeploy-worloads-k8s Undeploy workloads from k8s
onboard-worloads-vms Onboard workloads on vms into istio
clean Clean temporary artifacts
up [DEMO] Create all
down [DEMO] Destroy all
reset [DEMO] Destroy and recreate
Temporary artifacts specific to your environment will be stored in
: VM onboarding files, VM bootstrap scripts and istio/k8s generated yaml files