This is a simple REST module for Koseven, which started as a port from Kohana's core REST module in and SupersonicAds's REST module.
- Support for GET/POST/PUT/DELETE methods.
- Encapsulated query and post parameters parsing.
- Multiple output formats - JSON, XML and HTML.
- Method overriding and response code suppressing for limited clients.
- Cache control.
- Attachment header.
- Command line support, using a Minion task.
After enabling the module in Kohana::modules
, you must create a route for your application.
Recommended bootstrap route:
Route::set('default', '<version>(/<directory>)/<controller>(.<format>)',
'version' => 'v1',
'format' => '(json|xml|html)',
'format' => 'html',
Each REST controller in your app must extend Controller_REST
. Your controller will then have access to the following variables:
- an associated array with all the parameters passed in the request, no matter which method was used.
The following action functions can be implemented to support each one of the corresponding HTTP methods:
- for GET requests.action_create()
- for POST requests.action_update()
- for PUT requests.action_delete()
- for DELETE requests.
Example Controller:
class Controller_User extends Controller_REST {
// For GET Requests
public function action_index()
// Dummy Code for Documentation
$user = User::getByID($this->request->query('id'));
if (empty($user))
// Notice "404" if no data is passed is default.
// Shorthand for $this->rest_output(array(), 404);
// Sending other HTTP Status codes is also possible
if (!$user->hasAccess())
$this->rest_output(array('error' => 'Not Allowed'), 403);
// Response with User Data (Default Status Code: 200)
'name' => $user->getName(),
'username' => $user->getUsername(),
'bio' => $user->getBIO()
// For POST Requests
public function action_create()
// e.G. User creating
// For PUT Requests
public function action_update()
// e.G. Update a users username
// For DELETE Requests
public function action_delete()
// e.G. Delete a user
You can use any model class you want.
By default, the output format is HTML, the module searches for a relevant
View file using the same directory structure as the request. For example,
is the request was for /path/to/object.html
, then the module searches for the
View file /path/to/object.php
If your Controller isclasses/Controller/Welcome.php
the module auto detects if your View is one for all methods views/welcome.php
a different one for each method like views/welcome/{index/create/update/delete}.php
All the data that would usually return in a JSON format, is available for the View file in the variable $data
The output formats JSON and XML don't require any special views.
The following special query parameters are supported:
- some clients cannot handle HTTP responses different than 200. PassingsuppressResponseCodes=true
will make the response always return200 OK
, while attaching the real response code as an extra key in the response body. More information here:
- some clients cannot set an HTTP method different than GET. For these clients, we support simply passing the method as a query parameter.method
can simply be set to POST, PUT, DELETE or any other method you'd like to support.attachment
- you may sometimes like to allow your users to query your API directly from their browser with a direct link to download the data. For these occasions you may add this parameter with a value representing a file name. This will make the module declare a "content-disposition" header that'll make the user's browser open a download window.
You may create requests to your REST API using CLI commands. The following parameters are expected:
- the request's headers.method
- the request's method (GET, POST etc.).get
- the GET query
- the POST parameters.resource
- the resource, usually represented by a URL, to which the request should be sent.
- API Authentication (maybe with OAUTH 2 Support).
Thanks a lot to Supersonic!
The module is maintained by toitzi.
As usual, fork and send pull requests
- Open issues in this project.