Cookbook which configures the Grub Bootloader.
The following platforms are tested automatically using Test Kitchen, in Docker, with the default suite of integration tests:
- Ubuntu 12.04/14.04/16.04
- CentOS (RHEL) 6/7
The default recipe gives you the ability to pass attributes to tune your grub settings. There are currently no defaults in this cookbook so your regular distrobution provided grub file will remain intact. You can tweak the settings in the Policefile.rb or directly using attributes. All GRUB specific settings should use underscores like the examples below.
Values provided as hashes (under ['grub']['config']['settings'][key]
will be merged/flattened to form strings.
This is intended to allow overrides to, for example, kernel boot options without ugly string manipulation.
This approach is probably best demonstrated using an example:
default['grub']['config']['settings']['cmdline_linux']['biosdevname'] = '0'
default['grub']['config']['settings']['cmdline_linux']['nomodeset'] = nil
default['grub']['config']['settings']['cmdline_linux']['console'] = [ 'tty0', 'ttyS1,115200n8']
is the precise equivalent of
default['grub']['config']['settings']['cmdline_linux'] = 'biosdevname=0 nomodeset console=tty0 console=ttyS1,115200n8'
Using hashes permits simple overrides like the following
node.override[grub']['config']['settings']['cmdline_linux']['biosdevname'] = '1'
for each key = value pair in the hash:
if value is
, it is omitted and the key is inserted without a value...[cmdline_linux']['nomodeset'] = nil
results innomodeset
if value is an array, the result is key=v1 key=v2... for each value in the array
...['cmdline_linux']['console'] = [ 'x', 'y'']
results inconsole=x console=y
otherwise we simply insert key=value
...['cmdline_linux']['biosdevname'] = '0'
results inbiosdevname=0
To permit overrides to (for example) commandline options it is possible to specify
node.default['grub']['config']['settings']['timeout'] = 30
node.default['grub']['config']['settings']['distributor'] = "$(sed 's, release .*$,,g' /etc/system-release)"
node.default['grub']['config']['settings']['terminal_output'] = "console"
name 'grub'
default_source :community
run_list 'blp-grub::default'
override['grub']['config']['settings']['timeout'] = 30
override['grub']['config']['settings']['distributor'] = "$(sed 's, release .*$,,g' /etc/system-release)"
override['grub']['config']['settings']['terminal_output'] = "console"