TEDStats-cli is a cross-platform, open source command line tool to get statistics about EU public procurement from the TED web site. Given a search query and a date period, it will determine how many notices match the query for each daily edition in that period. The results are written in a CSV file
It is written in C#, and runs on .NET Core 3.1.
From the folder that contains this project:
dotnet run -- --query "FT=[COVID-19]" --from 2020-02-01 --to 2020-03-31 --output results.csv
This will create a CVS file named results.csv
with the number of notices that mention "covid-19" for each day in February and March 2020:
Days with no matching notices are omitted.
You can then use this CVS to create a chart in your favorite chart editor.
The query must be indicated using the expert search syntax used on the TED website.
The TEDStats project is not affiliated with or endorsed by the European Commission or the Publications Office of the European Union.
The information on the TED web site (https://ted.europa.eu) is subject to a disclaimer, and a copyright notice.
If you have questions directly related to the data made available on the TED website, please contact the TED team