Repository of the materials used for the gammapy tutorials made in Vaxjo, Sweden, in January 2020
- Documentations
- Analysis Overview
- Installation
- Astropy tutorial
- My first H.E.S.S. Crab analysis
- High Level Interface: an other way to analyse data
- Multi-wavelength analysis of the Crab
- An AGN analysis
- To contact the gammapy team
- gammapy project webpage:
- Github project:
Units, Coordinates, Tables, FITS and WCS
Link towards the documentation notebook:
The HLI is a supplementary interface allowing:
- configuration of an analysis from a YAML file, which allows the setup of analysis pipelines
- stable interface for the users, whatever the evolution of the low-level APIs
- usable via notebooks, python scripts (or click command lines)
API documentation of the HLI: Link
Link towards the documentation notebook:
Link towards the documentation notebook:
1D analysis: notebooks/light_curve_flare.html
With the Analysis class: 1D vs 3D
- Mail: [email protected]
- Slack:
- Coordination Committee: [email protected]
- Project managers:
- Bruno Khelifi (APC, Paris): [email protected]
- Christopher van Eldik (ECAP, Erlangen): [email protected]
- Lead Developers:
- Axel Donath (MPIK, Heidelberg): [email protected]
- Régis Terrier (APC, Paris): [email protected]