This swaps between Int (Base 10) and RadixInt (Base Int)
You can use this directly:
RadixInt.fromInt (Base 6) 34
|> RadixInt.toList -- [4,5] (54 in base6 == 34 in base10)
|> List.indexedMap Tuple.pair -- [(0,4),(1,5)]
Or, wrap it in a custom type to hide the implementation of the base:
module Senary exposing (Senary, fromInt, toString)
import RadixInt exposing (..)
type alias Senary =
fromInt : Int -> Senary
fromInt =
RadixInt.fromInt (Base 6)
toString : Senary -> String
toString s =
RadixInt.toList s
|> (\d -> convertDigitToSenaryNotation d)
|> List.reverse
|> String.join ""
convertDigitToSenaryNotation: Int -> String
convertDigitToSenaryNotation d =
String.fromInt d
Allowing you to work with a custom base like this:
Senary.fromInt 34
|> Senary.toString -- "54"