The package contains single function named "generateFromSql" which accepts 11 arguments :
- session : SQLAlchemy session
- title : The title of the report that will be shown on top of table
- sqltext : The sql select query to retrieve data
- footerCols : A list of columns name that you want to have Sum of values on footer . Example : ['amount','price']
- direction (default = "ltr") : Indicates direction of the report page. "ltr"- Left to Right , "rtl" - Right to Left
- font (default = "Tahoma") : Font of title and table contents
- totalText (default = "Total") : Title of footer row that will be the put below the first column.
- rowIndex (default = False) : Indicates whether the table should have index column or not.
- headerRowColor (default = '#eeeeee') : The header (title) row background color.
- evenRowColor (default = '#ffffff') : The even rows background color.
- oddRowColor (default = '#ffffff') : The odd rows background color.
To install flask_sqlalchemy using pip :
pip install flask-sqlalchemy-report
from flask_sqlalchemy_report import Reporter
@app.route('/listOfPersons', methods=['GET'])
def listOfPersons():
reportTitle = "Employee List"
sqlQuery = "SELECT FirstName as 'First Name', LastName as 'Last Name', phone as 'Phone Number', salary as 'Salary' FROM persons"
columnsToBeSummarized = ['Salary']
fontName = "Arial"
headerRowBackgroundColor = '#ffeeee'
evenRowsBackgroundColor = '#ffeeff'
oddRowsBackgroundColor = '#ffffff'
rowIndexVisibility = True
footerSummaryTitle = "Total Salary"
return Reporter.generateFromSql(db.session, reportTitle, sqlQuery, columnsToBeSummarized,
"ltr", fontName, footerSummaryTitle, rowIndexVisibility,
headerRowBackgroundColor, evenRowsBackgroundColor, oddRowsBackgroundColor