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Releases: biomejs/biome

CLI v1.9.5-nightly.81fdedb

26 Nov 08:57
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  • Fix #4323, where lint/a11y/useSemanticElement accidentally showed recommendations for role="searchbox" instead of role="search"


Bug fixes

  • Fix CSS parser case error, @-moz-document url-prefix( and @-moz-document domain( are now valid. Contributed by @eryue0220
  • Fix #4258, where fixed css parse error with @-moz-document url-prefix(). Contributed by @eryue0220


Bug fixes

  • Don't parse the files that don't end with the json extension as JSON files in the .vscode directory (#4391). Contributed by @Conaclos

  • biome migrate eslint now correctly resolves scoped package named eslint-config with a path.
    Contributed by @Conaclos

  • biome migrate eslint now correctly handles shared ESLint configuration that don't follow the ESLint naming convention (#4528).

    ESLint recommends that a package that exports a shared configuration be prefixed with eslint-config- or simply named eslint-config.
    This is only a recommendation.
    Packages that export shared configurations can have arbitrary names.
    Biome is now able to load any package.

    Contributed by @Conaclos




  • Fix #4413, where the GraphQL formatter adds a new line at the start of block comments on Windows. Contributed by @vohoanglong0107

Bug fixes

  • Fix #4121, don't ident a CSS selector when has leading comments. Contributed by @fireairforce

  • Fix #4334, don't insert trailing comma on type import statement. Contributed by @fireairforce

  • Fix #3229, where Biome wasn't idempotent when block comments were placed inside compound selectors. Contributed by @ematipico

  • Fix #4026, don't move comments in grid-template. Contributed by @fireairforce

  • Fix #4533, don't throw error when pseudeo class after a webkit scrollbar pseudeo element.

    The follow code will not report:

    ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:hover {}

    Contributed by @fireairforce

JavaScript APIs


New features

  • Add noUselessUndefined. Contributed by @unvalley

  • useFilenamingConvention accepts a new option match (#4105).

    You can now validate filenames with a regular expression.
    For instance, you can allow filenames to start with %:

      "linter": {
        "rules": {
          "style": {
            "useFilenamingConvention": {
              "level": "warn",
              "options": {
                  "match": "%?(.+?)[.](.+)",
                  "filenameCases": ["camelCase"]

    If the regular expression captures strings, the first capture is considered to be the name of the file, and the second one to be the extensions (dot-separated values).
    The name of the file and the extensions are checked against filenameCases.
    Given the previous configuration, the filename %index.d.ts is valid because the first capture index is in camelCase and the second capture d.ts include dot-separated values in lowercase.
    On the other hand, %Index.d.ts is not valid because the first capture Index is in PascalCase.

    Note that specifying match disallows any exceptions that are handled by the rule by default.
    For example, the previous configuration doesn't allow filenames to be prefixed with underscores,
    a period or a plus sign.
    You need to include them in the regular expression if you still want to allow these exceptions.

    Contributed by @Conaclos

  • useFilenamingConvention and useNamingConvention match options now accept case-insensitive and case-sensitive groups.

    By default, the regular expression in match is case-sensitive.
    You can now make it case-insensitive by using a case-insensitive group (?i:).
    For example, the regular expression (?i:a) matches a and A.

    Contributed by @Conaclos

  • noUndeclaredVariables now provides the checkTypes option (#3998).

    noUndeclaredVariables is inspired by the no-undef ESLint rule. It reports all references that are not bound to any declarations within a module.
    Node.js, JavaScript and TypeScript globals are ignored.
    Biome provides the javascript.globals option to list additional globals that should be ignored by the rule.

    In TypeScript projects, developers often use global declaration files to declare global types.
    Biome is currently unable to detect these global types.
    This creates many false positives for noUndeclaredVariables.

    TypeScript is better suited to perform this kind of check.
    As proof of this, TypeScript ESLint doesn't provide any rule that extends the no-undef ESLint rule.

    This is why we introduce today a new option checkTypes which, when it is set to false, ignores undeclared type references.
    Given the following configuration...

        "linter": {
            "rules": {
                "correctness": {
                    "noUndeclaredVariables": {
                        "level": "error",
                        "options": { "checkTypes": false }

    ... UndeclaredType is not reported by the rule.

    export default function(): UndeclaredType {}

    We plan to turn off the option by default in Biome 2.0
    Also, this will bring the Biome rule closer to the no-undef ESLint rule.

    Contributed by @Conaclos

  • Add noGlobalDirnameFilename. Contributed by @unvalley


  • useExportType and useImportType now ignore TypeScript declaration files (#4416). Contributed by @Conaclos

  • useArrayLiterals now provides a code fix.

    - const xs = new Array();
    + const xs = [];

    The code fix is currently marked as unsafe.
    We plan to make it safe in a future release of Biome.

    Contributed by @Conaclos

  • noUnusedImports now reports empty named imports and suggests its removal (#3574).

    The rule now suggests the removal of empty named imports such as:

    - import {} from "mod";

    Contributed by @Conaclos

  • noUnusedImports now keeps comments separated from the import with a blank line (#3401).

    Here is an example:

      // Orphan comment
    - // Header comment
    - import {} from "mod";

    Contributed by @Conaclos

  • useValidTypeof now accepts comparisons with variables.

    Previously, the rule required to compare a typeof expression against another typeof expression or a valid string literal.
    We now accept more cases, notably comparison against a variable:

    if (typeof foo === bar) {
      // ...

    Contributed by @Conaclos

  • noUnknownProperty now accepts more known CSS properties (#4549).

    - ['anchor-default', 'anchor-scroll', 'inset-area', 'position-animation', 'position-fallback', 'position-fallback-bounds', 'position-try-options']
    + ['anchor-scope', 'interpolate-size', 'line-fit-edge', 'masonry', 'masonry-auto-tracks', 'masonry-direction', 'masonry-fill', 'masonry-flow', 'masonry-slack', 'masonry-template-areas', 'masonry-template-tracks', 'position-anchor', 'position-area', 'position-try-fallbacks', 'position-visibility', 'scroll-start-target', 'text-box', 'view-transition-class', 'view-transition-group']

    This change replaces deprecated properties, improving CSS validation.

    Contributed by @lucasweng

Bug fixes

  • noControlCharactersInRegex no longer panics when it encounters an unterminated unicode escape sequence (#4565). Contributed by @Conaclos

  • useArrayLiterals now reports all expressions using the Array constructors.

    Previously, the rule reported only use of the Array constructor in expressions statements.

    // This was reported
    new Array();
    // This was not reported
    const xs = new Array();

    Contributed by @Conaclos

  • useArrowFunction now preserves directives (#4530).

    Previously the rule removed the directives when a function expression was turned into an arrow function.
    The rule now correctly keeps the directives.

    - const withDirective = function () {
    + const withDirective = () => {
          "use server";
          return 0;

    Contributed by @Conaclos

  • noUndeclaredVariables is now able to bind read of value to a type-only import in ambient contexts (#4526).

    In the followin...

Read more

CLI v1.9.5-nightly.c0cccb2

20 Nov 12:16
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Bug fixes

  • Fix CSS parser case error, @-moz-document url-prefix( and @-moz-document domain( are now valid. Contributed by @eryue0220
  • Fix #4258, where fixed css parse error with @-moz-document url-prefix(). Contributed by @eryue0220


Bug fixes

  • Don't parse the files that don't end with the json extension as JSON files in the .vscode directory (#4391). Contributed by @Conaclos

  • biome migrate eslint now correctly resolves scoped package named eslint-config with a path.
    Contributed by @Conaclos

  • biome migrate eslint now correctly handles shared ESLint configuration that don't follow the ESLint naming convention (#4528).

    ESLint recommends that a package that exports a shared configuration be prefixed with eslint-config- or simply named eslint-config.
    This is only a recommendation.
    Packages that export shared configurations can have arbitrary names.
    Biome is now able to load any package.

    Contributed by @Conaclos


  • Fix #4413, where the GraphQL formatter adds a new line at the start of block comments on Windows. Contributed by @vohoanglong0107

Bug fixes

  • Fix #4121, don't ident a CSS selector when has leading comments. Contributed by @fireairforce

  • Fix #4334, don't insert trailing comma on type import statement. Contributed by @fireairforce

  • Fix #3229, where Biome wasn't idempotent when block comments were placed inside compound selectors. Contributed by @ematipico

  • Fix #4026, don't move comments in grid-template. Contributed by @fireairforce

  • Fix #4533, don't throw error when pseudeo class after a webkit scrollbar pseudeo element.

    The follow code will not report:

    ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:hover {}

    Contributed by @fireairforce


New features

  • Add noUselessUndefined. Contributed by @unvalley

  • useFilenamingConvention accepts a new option match (#4105).

    You can now validate filenames with a regular expression.
    For instance, you can allow filenames to start with %:

      "linter": {
        "rules": {
          "style": {
            "useFilenamingConvention": {
              "level": "warn",
              "options": {
                  "match": "%?(.+?)[.](.+)",
                  "filenameCases": ["camelCase"]

    If the regular expression captures strings, the first capture is considered to be the name of the file, and the second one to be the extensions (dot-separated values).
    The name of the file and the extensions are checked against filenameCases.
    Given the previous configuration, the filename %index.d.ts is valid because the first capture index is in camelCase and the second capture d.ts include dot-separated values in lowercase.
    On the other hand, %Index.d.ts is not valid because the first capture Index is in PascalCase.

    Note that specifying match disallows any exceptions that are handled by the rule by default.
    For example, the previous configuration doesn't allow filenames to be prefixed with underscores,
    a period or a plus sign.
    You need to include them in the regular expression if you still want to allow these exceptions.

    Contributed by @Conaclos

  • useFilenamingConvention and useNamingConvention match options now accept case-insensitive and case-sensitive groups.

    By default, the regular expression in match is case-sensitive.
    You can now make it case-insensitive by using a case-insensitive group (?i:).
    For example, the regular expression (?i:a) matches a and A.

    Contributed by @Conaclos

  • noUndeclaredVariables now provides the checkTypes option (#3998).

    noUndeclaredVariables is inspired by the no-undef ESLint rule. It reports all references that are not bound to any declarations within a module.
    Node.js, JavaScript and TypeScript globals are ignored.
    Biome provides the javascript.globals option to list additional globals that should be ignored by the rule.

    In TypeScript projects, developers often use global declaration files to declare global types.
    Biome is currently unable to detect these global types.
    This creates many false positives for noUndeclaredVariables.

    TypeScript is better suited to perform this kind of check.
    As proof of this, TypeScript ESLint doesn't provide any rule that extends the no-undef ESLint rule.

    This is why we introduce today a new option checkTypes which, when it is set to false, ignores undeclared type references.
    Given the following configuration...

        "linter": {
            "rules": {
                "correctness": {
                    "noUndeclaredVariables": {
                        "level": "error",
                        "options": { "checkTypes": false }

    ... UndeclaredType is not reported by the rule.

    export default function(): UndeclaredType {}

    We plan to turn off the option by default in Biome 2.0
    Also, this will bring the Biome rule closer to the no-undef ESLint rule.

    Contributed by @Conaclos

  • Add noGlobalDirnameFilename. Contributed by @unvalley


  • useExportType and useImportType now ignore TypeScript declaration files (#4416). Contributed by @Conaclos

  • useArrayLiterals now provides a code fix.

    - const xs = new Array();
    + const xs = [];

    The code fix is currently marked as unsafe.
    We plan to make it safe in a future release of Biome.

    Contributed by @Conaclos

  • noUnusedImports now reports empty named imports and suggests its removal (#3574).

    The rule now suggests the removal of empty named imports such as:

    - import {} from "mod";

    Contributed by @Conaclos

  • noUnusedImports now keeps comments separated from the import with a blank line (#3401).

    Here is an example:

      // Orphan comment
    - // Header comment
    - import {} from "mod";

    Contributed by @Conaclos

  • useValidTypeof now accepts comparisons with variables.

    Previously, the rule required to compare a typeof expression against another typeof expression or a valid string literal.
    We now accept more cases, notably comparison against a variable:

    if (typeof foo === bar) {
      // ...

    Contributed by @Conaclos

  • noUnknownProperty now accepts more known CSS properties (#4549).

    - ['anchor-default', 'anchor-scroll', 'inset-area', 'position-animation', 'position-fallback', 'position-fallback-bounds', 'position-try-options']
    + ['anchor-scope', 'interpolate-size', 'line-fit-edge', 'masonry', 'masonry-auto-tracks', 'masonry-direction', 'masonry-fill', 'masonry-flow', 'masonry-slack', 'masonry-template-areas', 'masonry-template-tracks', 'position-anchor', 'position-area', 'position-try-fallbacks', 'position-visibility', 'scroll-start-target', 'text-box', 'view-transition-class', 'view-transition-group']

    This change replaces deprecated properties, improving CSS validation.

    Contributed by @lucasweng

Bug fixes

  • noControlCharactersInRegex no longer panics when it encounters an unterminated unicode escape sequence (#4565). Contributed by @Conaclos

  • useArrayLiterals now reports all expressions using the Array constructors.

    Previously, the rule reported only use of the Array constructor in expressions statements.

    // This was reported
    new Array();
    // This was not reported
    const xs = new Array();

    Contributed by @Conaclos

  • useArrowFunction now preserves directives (#4530).

    Previously the rule removed the directives when a function expression was turned into an arrow function.
    The rule now correctly keeps the directives.

    - const withDirective = function () {
    + const withDirective = () => {
          "use server";
          return 0;

    Contributed by @Conaclos

  • noUndeclaredVariables is now able to bind read of value to a type-only import in ambient contexts (#4526).

    In the following...

Read more

CLI v1.9.5-nightly.ff02a0b

06 Nov 12:38
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  • Fix #4323, where lint/a11y/useSemanticElement accidentally showed recommendations for role="searchbox" instead of role="search"


Bug fixes

  • Fix CSS parser case error, @-moz-document url-prefix( and @-moz-document domain( are now valid. Contributed by @eryue0220
  • Fix #4258, where fixed css parse error with @-moz-document url-prefix(). Contributed by @eryue0220


Bug fixes

  • biome migrate eslint now correctly resolves scoped package named eslint-config with a path.
    Contributed by @Conaclos




Bug fixes

  • Fix #4121, don't ident a CSS selector when has leading comments. Contributed by @fireairforce

JavaScript APIs


New features

  • Add noUselessUndefined. Contributed by @unvalley

  • useFilenamingConvention accepts a new option match (#4105).

    You can now validate filenames with a regular expression.
    For instance, you can allow filenames to start with %:

      "linter": {
        "rules": {
          "style": {
            "useFilenamingConvention": {
              "level": "warn",
              "options": {
                  "match": "%?(.+?)[.](.+)",
                  "filenameCases": ["camelCase"]

    If the regular expression captures strings, the first capture is considered to be the name of the file, and the second one to be the extensions (dot-separated values).
    The name of the file and the extensions are checked against filenameCases.
    Given the previous configuration, the filename %index.d.ts is valid because the first capture index is in camelCase and the second capture d.ts include dot-separated values in lowercase.
    On the other hand, %Index.d.ts is not valid because the first capture Index is in PascalCase.

    Note that specifying match disallows any exceptions that are handled by the rule by default.
    For example, the previous configuration doesn't allow filenames to be prefixed with underscores,
    a period or a plus sign.
    You need to include them in the regular expression if you still want to allow these exceptions.

    Contributed by @Conaclos

  • useFilenamingConvention and useNamingConvention match options now accept case-insensitive and case-sensitive groups.

    By default, the regular expression in match is case-sensitive.
    You can now make it case-insensitive by using a case-insensitive group (?i:).
    For example, the regular expression (?i:a) matches a and A.

    Contributed by @Conaclos


  • useExportType and useImportType now ignore TypeScript declaration files (#4416). Contributed by @Conaclos

  • useArrayLiterals now provides a code fix.

    - const xs = new Array();
    + const xs = [];

    The code fix is currently marked as unsafe.
    We plan to make it safe in a future release of Biome.

    Contributed by @Conaclos

Bug fixes

  • useArrayLiterals now reports all expressions using the Array constructors.

    Previously, the rule reported only use of the Array constructor in expressions statements.

    // This was reported
    new Array();
    // This was not reported
    const xs = new Array();

    Contributed by @Conaclos


Bug fixes

  • Fix #4317, setter parameter can contain a trailing comma, the following example will now parsed correctly:

    export class DummyClass {
      set input(
        value: string,
      ) {}

    Contributed by @fireairforce

  • Fix #3836, css parser allow multiple semicolons after a declaration, the following example will now parsed correctly:

    .foo {
      color: red;;

    Contributed by @fireairforce

  • Fix #342, js parser handle unterminated JSX_STRING_LITERAL properly

    function Comp() {
      return (
          <a rel="
  • Fix #342, js parser is no longer progressing for an invalid object
    member name:

      params: { [paramName: string]: number } = {}

    Contributed by @denbezrukov

  • Fix #342, "expected a declaration as guaranteed by is_at_ts_declare_statement" error for declare interface:

    declare interface

    Contributed by @denbezrukov

What's Changed

Other changes

New Contributors

  • @StationSoen made their first contribution in #4110
  • @jsparkdev made their first contribution in #4468

Full Changelog: cli/v1.9.5-nightly.4713c52...cli/v1.9.5-nightly.ff02a0b

CLI v1.9.5-nightly.4713c52

30 Oct 15:48
Choose a tag to compare


Bug fixes

  • Fix CSS parser case error, @-moz-document url-prefix( and @-moz-document domain( are now valid. Contributed by @eryue0220
  • Fix #4258, where fixed css parse error with @-moz-document url-prefix(). Contributed by @eryue0220


Bug fixes

  • biome migrate eslint now correctly resolves scoped package named eslint-config with a path.
    Contributed by @Conaclos


New features

  • Add noUselessUndefined. Contributed by @unvalley

  • useFilenamingConvention accepts a new option match (#4105).

    You can now validate filenames with a regular expression.
    For instance, you can allow filenames to start with %:

      "linter": {
        "rules": {
          "style": {
            "useFilenamingConvention": {
              "level": "warn",
              "options": {
                  "match": "%?(.+?)[.](.+)",
                  "filenameCases": ["camelCase"]

    If the regular expression captures strings, the first capture is considered to be the name of the file, and the second one to be the extensions (dot-separated values).
    The name of the file and the extensions are checked against filenameCases.
    Given the previous configuration, the filename %index.d.ts is valid because the first capture index is in camelCase and the second capture d.ts include dot-separated values in lowercase.
    On the other hand, %Index.d.ts is not valid because the first capture Index is in PascalCase.

    Note that specifying match disallows any exceptions that are handled by the rule by default.
    For example, the previous configuration doesn't allow filenames to be prefixed with underscores,
    a period or a plus sign.
    You need to include them in the regular expression if you still want to allow these exceptions.

    Contributed by @Conaclos

  • useFilenamingConvention and useNamingConvention match options now accept case-insensitive and case-sensitive groups.

    By default, the regular expression in match is case-sensitive.
    You can now make it case-insensitive by using a case-insensitive group (?i:).
    For example, the regular expression (?i:a) matches a and A.

    Contributed by @Conaclos


  • useExportType and useImportType now ignore TypeScript declaration files (#4416). Contributed by @Conaclos

  • useArrayLiterals now provides a code fix.

    - const xs = new Array();
    + const xs = [];

    The code fix is currently marked as unsafe.
    We plan to make it safe in a future release of Biome.

    Contributed by @Conaclos

Bug fixes

  • useArrayLiterals now reports all expressions using the Array constructors.

    Previously, the rule reported only use of the Array constructor in expressions statements.

    // This was reported
    new Array();
    // This was not reported
    const xs = new Array();

    Contributed by @Conaclos

  • Fix #4323, where lint/a11y/useSemanticElement accidentally showed recommendations for role="searchbox" instead of role="search"


Bug fixes

  • Fix #4317, setter parameter can contain a trailing comma, the following example will now parsed correctly:

    export class DummyClass {
      set input(
        value: string,
      ) {}

    Contributed by @fireairforce

  • Fix #3836, css parser allow multiple semicolons after a declaration, the following example will now parsed correctly:

    .foo {
      color: red;;

    Contributed by @fireairforce

  • Fix #342, js parser handle unterminated JSX_STRING_LITERAL properly

    function Comp() {
      return (
          <a rel="
  • Fix #342, js parser is no longer progressing for an invalid object
    member name:

      params: { [paramName: string]: number } = {}

    Contributed by @denbezrukov

What's Changed

Other changes

New Contributors

Full Changelog: cli/v1.9.5-nightly.92879ae...cli/v1.9.5-nightly.4713c52

CLI v1.9.5-nightly.92879ae

25 Oct 04:04
Choose a tag to compare


Bug fixes

  • Fix CSS parser case error, @-moz-document url-prefix( and @-moz-document domain( are now valid. Contributed by @eryue0220
  • Fix #4258, where fixed css parse error with @-moz-document url-prefix(). Contributed by @eryue0220


New features

  • Add noUselessUndefined. Contributed by @unvalley

  • useFilenamingConvention accepts a new option match (#4105).

    You can now validate filenames with a regular expression.
    For instance, you can allow filenames to start with %:

      "linter": {
        "rules": {
          "style": {
            "useFilenamingConvention": {
              "level": "warn",
              "options": {
                  "match": "%?(.+?)[.](.+)",
                  "filenameCases": ["camelCase"]

    If the regular expression captures strings, the first capture is considered to be the name of the file, and the second one to be the extensions (dot-separated values).
    The name of the file and the extensions are checked against filenameCases.
    Given the previous configuration, the filename %index.d.ts is valid because the first capture index is in camelCase and the second capture d.ts include dot-separated values in lowercase.
    On the other hand, %Index.d.ts is not valid because the first capture Index is in PascalCase.

    Note that specifying match disallows any exceptions that are handled by the rule by default.
    For example, the previous configuration doesn't allow filenames to be prefixed with underscores,
    a period or a plus sign.
    You need to include them in the regular expression if you still want to allow these exceptions.

    Contributed by @Conaclos

  • useFilenamingConvention and useNamingConvention match options now accept case-insensitive and case-sensitive groups.

    By default, the regular expression in match is case-sensitive.
    You can now make it case-insensitive by using a case-insensitive group (?i:).
    For example, the regular expression (?i:a) matches a and A.

    Contributed by @Conaclos


Bug fixes

  • Fix #4317, setter parameter can contain a trailing comma, the following example will now parsed correctly:

    export class DummyClass {
      set input(
        value: string,
      ) {}

    Contributed by @fireairforce

  • Fix #3836, css parser allow multiple semicolons after a declaration, the following example will now parsed correctly:

    .foo {
      color: red;;

    Contributed by @fireairforce

What's Changed

Other changes

  • refactor(contributing): update Releasing section by @Conaclos in #4325
  • feat(format/grit): add logic for formatting with separators and other predicates by @branberry in #4327
  • build: upgrade to rust 1.82.0 by @unvalley in #4341
  • chore(deps): update rust crate anyhow to 1.0.90 by @renovate in #4348
  • feat: flag to suppress existing diagnostics by @anthonyshew in #4008
  • feat(lint/noPrototypeBuiltins): add code fix action and cover scenarios from prefer-object-has-own by @kaioduarte in #3997
  • chore(deps): update rust:1.81.0 docker digest to 7b7f7ae by @renovate in #4344
  • chore(deps): update @biomejs packages by @renovate in #4345
  • chore(deps): update dependency dprint to v0.47.4 by @renovate in #4346
  • chore(deps): update pnpm to v9.12.2 by @renovate in #4347
  • chore(deps): update rust crate serde_json to 1.0.132 by @renovate in #4351
  • feat(organize_import): utilities for ordering import sources by @Conaclos in #4313
  • docs(useAtIndex): fix typo chatAt -> charAt by @GeniusTimo in #4363
  • feat(organize_import): move legacy code to a deidicated module an dintroduce restricted globs by @Conaclos in #4357

New Contributors

Full Changelog: cli/v1.9.4...cli/v1.9.5-nightly.92879ae

CLI v1.9.4

17 Oct 17:49
Choose a tag to compare


Bug fixes

  • Improved the message for unused suppression comments. Contributed by @dyc3

  • Fix #4228, where the rule a11y/noInteractiveElementToNoninteractiveRole incorrectly reports a role for non-interactive elements. Contributed by @eryue0220

  • noSuspiciousSemicolonInJsx now catches suspicious semicolons in React fragments. Contributed by @vasucp1207



  • The --summary reporter now reports parsing diagnostics too. Contributed by @ematipico

  • Improved performance of GritQL queries by roughly 25-30%. Contributed by @arendjr


Bug fixes

  • Fix an issue where the JSON schema marked lint rules options as mandatory. Contributed by @ematipico


Bug fixes

  • Fix #4121. Respect line width when printing multiline strings. Contributed by @ah-yu


New features

Bug Fixes

  • Biome no longer crashes when it encounters a string that contains a multibyte character (#4181).

    This fixes a regression introduced in Biome 1.9.3
    The regression affected the following linter rules:

    • nursery/useSortedClasses
    • nursery/useTrimStartEnd
    • style/useTemplate
    • suspicious/noMisleadingCharacterClass

    Contributed by @Conaclos

  • Fix #4190, where the rule noMissingVarFunction wrongly reported a variable as missing when used inside a var() function that was a newline. Contributed by @ematipico

  • Fix #4041. Now the rule useSortedClasses won't be triggered if className is composed only by inlined variables. Contributed by @ematipico

  • useImportType and useExportType now report useless inline type qualifiers (#4178).

    The following fix is now proposed:

    - import type { type A, B } from "";
    + import type { A, B } from "";
    - export type { type C, D };
    + export type { C, D };

    Contributed by @Conaclos

  • useExportType now reports ungrouped export from.

    The following fix is now proposed:

    - export { type A, type B } from "";
    + export type { A, B } from "";

    Contributed by @Conaclos

  • noVoidTypeReturn now accepts void expressions in return position (#4173).

    The following code is now accepted:

    function f(): void {
      return void 0;

    Contributed by @Conaclos

  • noUselessFragments now correctly handles fragments containing HTML escapes (e.g. &nbsp;) inside expression escapes { ... } (#4059).

    The following code is no longer reported:

    function Component() {
      return (
        <div key={index}>{line || <>&nbsp;</>}</div>

    Contributed by @fireairforce

  • noUnusedFunctionParameters and noUnusedVariables no longer reports a parameter as unused when another parameter has a constructor type with the same parameter name (#4227).

    In the following code, the name parameter is no longer reported as unused.

    export class Foo {
      bar(name: string, _class: new (name: string) => any) {
        return name

    Contributed by @Conaclos

  • noUndeclaredDependencies now accepts dependency names with dots. Contributed by @Conaclos

  • useFilenamingConvention now correctly handles renamed exports (#4254).

    The rule allows the filename to be named as one of the exports of the module.
    For instance, the file containing the following export can be named Button.

    class Button {}
    export { Button }

    The rule now correctly handles the renaming of an export.
    For example, the file containing the following export can only be named Button.
    Previously the rule expected the file to be named A.

    class A {}
    export { A as Button }

    Contributed by @Conaclos

  • useConsistentMemberAccessibility now ignores private class members such as #property (#4276). Contributed by @Conaclos

  • noUnknownFunction correctly handles calc-size function (#4212).

    The following code calc-size is no longer reported as unknown:

    .a { height: calc-size(0px); }

    Contributed by @fireairforce

  • useNamingConvention now allows configuring conventions for readonly index signatures. Contributed by @sepruko

  • noDuplicateCustomProperties now correctly handles custom properties and ignores non-custom properties.
    Previously, the rule incorrectly reported duplicates for all properties, including non-custom ones. Contributed by @togami2864


Bug Fixes

  • The CSS parser now accepts more emoji in identifiers (#3627).

    Browsers accept more emoji than the standard allows.
    Biome now accepts these additional emojis.

    The following code is now correctly parsed:

    p {
      ---color: red;
      color: var(--✨-color);

    Contributed by @Conaclos

  • Add support for parsing typescript's resolution-mode in Import Types(#2115)

    export type Fs = typeof import('fs', { with: { 'resolution-mode': 'import' } });
    export type TypeFromRequire =
      import("pkg", { with: { "resolution-mode": "require" } }).TypeFromRequire;
    export type TypeFromImport =
      import("pkg", { with: { "resolution-mode": "import" } }).TypeFromImport;

    Contributed by @fireairforce

What's Changed

Other changes

Read more

JavaScript APIs v0.7.1

01 Oct 16:17
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New features

  • GritQL queries that match functions or methods will now match async functions or methods as well.

    If this is not what you want, you can capture the async keyword (or its absence) in a metavariable and assert its emptiness:

    $async function foo() {} where $async <: .

    Contributed by @arendjr

Bug fixes

  • Fix #4077: Grit queries no longer need to match the statement's trailing semicolon. Contributed by @arendjr

  • Fix #4102. Now the CLI command lint doesn't exit with an error code when using --write/--fix. Contributed by @ematipico


Bug fixes

  • Fix #4125, where noLabelWithoutControl options where incorrectly marked as mandatory. Contributed by @ematipico


  • Fix a case where CSS files weren't correctly linted using the default configuration. Contributed by @ematipico


Bug fixes

  • Fix #3924 where GraphQL formatter panics in block comments with empty line. Contributed by @vohoanglong0107

  • Fix a case where raw values inside url() functions weren't properly trimmed.

    .value {
    -  background: url(
    -   whitespace-around-string
    -  );
    + background: url(whitespace-around-string);

    Contributed by @ematipico

  • Fixed #4076, where a media query wasn't correctly formatted:

    .class {
    -  @media (1024px <= width <=1280px) {
    +  @media (1024px <= width <= 1280px) {
       color: red;

    Contributed by @blaze-d83

JavaScript API

Bug fixes

  • Fix #3881, by updating the APIs to use the latest WASM changes. Contributed by @ematipico


New features

Bug fixes


Bug fixes

  • Forbid undefined as type name for typescript parser. Contributed by @fireairforce

What's Changed

Other changes

Full Changelog: cli/v1.9.3...js-api/v0.7.1

CLI v1.9.3

01 Oct 13:54
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New features

  • GritQL queries that match functions or methods will now match async functions or methods as well.

    If this is not what you want, you can capture the async keyword (or its absence) in a metavariable and assert its emptiness:

    $async function foo() {} where $async <: .

    Contributed by @arendjr

Bug fixes

  • Fix #4077: Grit queries no longer need to match the statement's trailing semicolon. Contributed by @arendjr

  • Fix #4102. Now the CLI command lint doesn't exit with an error code when using --write/--fix. Contributed by @ematipico


Bug fixes

  • Fix #4125, where noLabelWithoutControl options where incorrectly marked as mandatory. Contributed by @ematipico


  • Fix a case where CSS files weren't correctly linted using the default configuration. Contributed by @ematipico


Bug fixes

  • Fix #3924 where GraphQL formatter panics in block comments with empty line. Contributed by @vohoanglong0107

  • Fix a case where raw values inside url() functions weren't properly trimmed.

    .value {
    -  background: url(
    -   whitespace-around-string
    -  );
    + background: url(whitespace-around-string);

    Contributed by @ematipico

  • Fixed #4076, where a media query wasn't correctly formatted:

    .class {
    -  @media (1024px <= width <=1280px) {
    +  @media (1024px <= width <= 1280px) {
       color: red;

    Contributed by @blaze-d83

JavaScript API

Bug fixes

  • Fix #3881, by updating the APIs to use the latest WASM changes. Contributed by @ematipico


New features

Bug fixes


Bug fixes

  • Forbid undefined as type name for typescript parser. Contributed by @fireairforce

What's Changed

Other changes

  • fix(bench): typo in .prettierignore by @Jayllyz in #4134
  • feat(formatter): implement formatting for GritQL root node by @arendjr in #4128
  • feat(useExhaustiveDependencies): add option to disable errors for unecessary dependencies by @simon-paris in #4135
  • perf(linter): remove unneeded memory allocation for str by @togami2864 in #4142
  • fix: add missing word by @lanker in #4150

New Contributors

Full Changelog: cli/v1.9.3-nightly.75b4387...cli/v1.9.3

CLI v1.9.3-nightly.75b4387

27 Sep 11:11
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New features

  • GritQL queries that match functions or methods will now match async functions or methods as well.

    If this is not what you want, you can capture the async keyword (or its absence) in a metavariable and assert its emptiness:

    $async function foo() {} where $async <: .

    Contributed by @arendjr

Bug fixes

  • Fix #4077: Grit queries no longer need to match the statement's trailing semicolon. Contributed by @arendjr




Bug fixes

  • Fix #3924 where GraphQL formatter panics in block comments with empty line. Contributed by @vohoanglong0107

JavaScript API


New features

Bug fixes

  • noMisleadingCharacterClass no longer reports issues outside of character classes.

    The following code is no longer reported:


    Contributed by @Conaclos

  • noUndeclaredDependencies no longer reports Node.js builtin modules as undeclared dependencies.

    The rule no longer reports the following code:

    import * as fs from "fs";

    Contributed by @Conaclos

  • noUselessEscapeInRegex no longer panics on regexes that start with an empty character class. Contributed by @Conaclos

  • noUselessStringConcat no longer panics when it encounters malformed code. Contributed by @Conaclos

  • noUnusedFunctionParameters no longer reports unused parameters inside an object pattern with a rest parameter.

    In the following code, the rule no longer reports a as unused.

    function f({ a, }) {
      return rest;

    This matches the behavior of noUnusedVariables.

    Contributed by @Conaclos

  • useButtonType no longer reports dynamically created button with a valid type (#4072).

    The following code is no longer reported:

    React.createElement("button", { type: "button" }, "foo")

    Contributed by @Conaclos

  • useSemanticElements now ignores elements with the img role (#3994).

    MDN recommends using role="img" for grouping images or creating an image from other elements.
    The following code is no longer reported:

    <div role="img" aria-label="That cat is so cute">
      <p>&#x1F408; &#x1F602;</p>

    Contributed by @Conaclos

  • useSemanticElements now ignores alert and alertdialog roles (#3858). Contributed by @Conaclos

  • noUselessFragments don't create invaild JSX code when Fragments children contains JSX Expression and in a LogicalExpression. Contributed by @fireairforce


Bug fixes

  • Forbid undefined as type name for typescript parser. Contributed by @fireairforce

What's Changed

Other changes

  • test(format/html): reenable snapshot tests by @dyc3 in #3979
  • refactor(lint): set version field for new rules by @Conaclos in #3995
  • docs: improve documentation of rule by @ematipico in #3999
  • feat(linter): implement noOctalEscape by @fireairforce in #3986
  • feat(grit): implement GritQL log() function by @arendjr in #4003
  • fix(html/parser): support root element list by @suxin2017 in #3985
  • feat(html/formatter): self close tag add slash char by @suxin2017 in #3984
  • chore(readme): use polar shield by @ematipico in #4000
  • feat: add additional FeatureKind entries for debug features by @dyc3 in #3892
  • feat(formatter/html): add line break at the end of files by @dyc3 in #4010
  • fix(parser/html): fix incorrect parsing when text starts with a quote by @dyc3 in #4011
  • chore(cli): replace PanicInfo -> PanicHookInfo by @minht11 in #4015
  • chore: enforce usage of to_ascii_lowercase_cow by @minht11 in #4014
  • chore: fix udeps failure by @dyc3 in #4016
  • feat(linter): implement useExplicitFunctionReturnType by @kaykdm in #3990
  • fix(parser/html): allow multi line attribute values by @dyc3 in #4018
  • feat(lsp): noExcessiveCognitiveComplexity diagnostic shows levels by @chrisgrieser in #4028
  • feat(html): implement debug features for html by @dyc3 in #4019
  • fix(parser/html): add param to void elements list by @dyc3 in #4020
  • feat(html): resolve format options by @dyc3 in #4017
  • test(format/grit): add tests for grit formatter by @branberry in #3937
  • perf(grit): use to_ascii_lowercase_cow by @dyc3 in #4053
  • perf(linter): performance improvement for css semantic model by @togami2864 in #4044
  • refactor(aria_metadata): generate ARIA metadata from specification by @Conaclos in #4055
  • refactor(parser/html): refactor comments to be nodes in the tree by @dyc3 in #4056
  • feat(markdown/parser): support thematic break block parser by @suxin2017 in #3982
  • feat(linter): implement no-nested-ternary by @kaykdm in #4067
  • fix(format/html): keep at most 1 empty line between elements by @dyc3 in #4057
  • fix(schema): make optional the options JSON schema field by @Conaclos in #4080
  • feat(grit): implement disregarded snippet nodes by @arendjr in #4084
  • chore: to_lowercase -> to_lowercase_cow by @minht11 in #4030
  • docs: fix isNan to isNaN by @Omochice in #4106

New Contributors

Full Changelog: cli/v1.9.2...cli/v1.9.3-nightly.75b4387

CLI v1.9.2

19 Sep 13:16
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New features

Bug fixes

  • Fix #3917, where the fixed files were incorrectly computed. Contributed by @ematipico
  • Fixed an issue that caused GritQL contains queries to report false positives when the matched
    node appeared inside a sibling node. Contributed by @arendjr


Bug fixes

  • Fix #3923. Now the .editorconfig is correctly parsed by the LSP, and the options are correctly applied to files when formatting is triggered.
    Plus, the Biome LSP now watches for any change to the .editorconfig, and updates the formatting settings.

  • Reduced the number of log files generated by the LSP server. Now the maximum number of logs saved on disk is seven. Contributed by @ematipico

  • Fix the code actions capabilities available in the LSP Biome server. Before, the LSP was using the default capabilities, which resulted in pulling code actions even when they were disabled by the editor.

    This means that the code actions are pulled by the client only when the editor enables quickfix.biome, source.organizeImports.biome and source.fixAll.biome.

    Now, if you enable organizeImports.enabled: true in the biome.json, and then you configure your editor with the following code action source.organizeImports.biome: false, the editor won't sort the imports.

    Contributed by @ematipico


New features

Bug fixes


Bug fixes

  • useStrictMode now reports Script files with some directives, but without the use strict directive. Contributed by @Conaclos

  • The CSS parser now accepts the characters U+FFDCF and U+FFFD in identifiers. Contributed by @Conaclos

What's Changed

Other changes

  • chore: update biome version of rules by @nhedger in #3901
  • chore(ci): add gh token for setup-rust by @Jayllyz in #3902
  • fix(deps): update rust crates by @renovate in #3910
  • chore(deps): update rust crate serde_json to 1.0.128 by @renovate in #3909
  • feat(format/grit): grit formatter initial configuration by @branberry in #3885
  • docs(readme): add zh-tw readme translation by @jacklee814 in #3894
  • chore(deps): update dependency eslint to v9.10.0 by @renovate in #3913
  • chore(deps): update rust crate tokio to 1.40.0 by @renovate in #3918
  • chore(deps): update rust docker tag to v1.81.0 by @renovate in #3919
  • fix: re-implement #3856 to improve correctness by @anthonyshew in #3865
  • chore(deps): update rust crate insta to 1.40.0 by @renovate in #3916
  • chore(deps): update rust crate dashmap to 6.1.0 by @renovate in #3915
  • chore(deps): update dependency @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin to v8.5.0 by @renovate in #3912
  • chore(deps): update @biomejs packages by @renovate in #3911
  • chore(deps): update rust crate serde to 1.0.210 by @renovate in #3906
  • chore(deps): update rust crate anyhow to 1.0.89 by @renovate in #3905
  • fix(parser/html): fix whitespace being lexed as html literal by @dyc3 in #3908
  • fix(config): handle unset and off values in editorconfig files by @dyc3 in #3907
  • fix: preserve other children in useConsistentCurlyBraces by @suzak in #3925
  • test: fix outdated snapshot tests by @ematipico in #3953
  • feat(format/html): port JsxChildList formatting to HtmlElementList by @dyc3 in #3782
  • chore(deps): update dependency vite to v5.4.6 [security] by @renovate in #3963
  • fix(parser/html): check void element names case insensitively by @dyc3 in #3959
  • fix(format/html): keep single quotes if string contains a double quote by @dyc3 in #3960
  • fix(format/html): fix doctype formatting by @dyc3 in #3961
  • feat(markdown): support markdown grammar code generation by @suxin2017 in #3775
  • feat(parser/html): lex and parse unquoted attribute values by @dyc3 in #3951
  • feat(parser/html): parse doctype declarations by @dyc3 in #3962
  • feat(parser/html): handle script and style tags by @dyc3 in #3970
  • build: upgrade to Rust 1.81 by @Conaclos in #3972
  • feat(html): add experimental-html feature flag to enable html file handler by @dyc3 in #3967
  • feat(grit): support for Grit pattern, predicate and function definitions by @arendjr in #3983
  • feat(grit): implement Grit built-ins by @arendjr in #3987
  • fix(grit): fix node walking by @arendjr in #3988

New Contributors

Full Changelog: cli/v1.9.1...cli/v1.9.2