the components and codes were built for an algae cultivation vessel using inorganic carbon (CO2), and light energy (from LED or the Sun), but the principle works for other systems, e.g. indoor plantation, other microbial culvation systems.
- high powered LED control that mimicking a pre-defined solar pattern for one day. More details on
- data logger for pH, DO, and temperature, timestamp. More details here
- a turbidity monitoring and control using infra-red sensor, applied to measure and control algal biomass density. Link to a journal publication on . The 1st version dated 0726, and the cleanup version dated 2018.
- alternative approach: turbidity (biomass density) monitoring and control, data logged via USB cable to the laptop or Raspberry Pi by a Python script. No need YunShield as the above approach.
- simulation using Python3 for the algae growth in the batch or turbidity-stat mode.
Below are two-day simulation, running ~2880 steps in 0.01 secs
- Using .csv file to set up the input profile, besides a default one when no .csv provided,
- The output is saved to .csv file with the input profile and the biomass productivity
- Graph generated is optional, can be selected using the input.csv
- Require: matplotlib to generate graphic
- Use:
- Open the input.csv file, change the kinetic parameters as you like, update the folder to store the graphic if you select to save, the mode of simulation either growth 'batch' or 'turbido'
- In terminal:
python3 input.csv
- A self-generated .csv file stores the biomass productivivity (g/m2-day)
======= Arduino code for pH, temperature monitoring, data logger, turbiostat, control LED for mimicking a solar pattern