This is my seed Project. I use what I believe are good practices, and of course, with a bunch of personal preferences that may be changed. No Jade here :) Me no like.
- NodeJS
- Express Framework
- AngularJS
- MongoDB (mongoose)
(Other libraries used: RequireJS, Passport, Nodemailer and crypto)
- Make sure you have Mongo installed and running
- Run npm install (with administration rights)
- Run node app.js
This Seed provides users with RequireJS module loading, PassportJS registration / authentication and AngularJS as the client framework.
Upon registration, the application sends a confirmation e-mail (make sure you use a valid email address that you can check for the confirmation email). As for now, I'm not doing anything with it, but I plan to add more features sometime soon (Tests are a must).
Unit Tests with Jasmine (coming very soon) - I expect to use quite a few Jasmine features.
Put an email confirmation url to confirm users / allow only confirmed users to login (this is a trivial feature / not sure how relevant)
app.js --> web server
package.json --> package dependencies
app/ --> main client app
css/ --> css files
js/ --> javascript files
components/ --> logger component
controllers/ --> application controllers
app.js --> app module
main.js --> main application bootstrap
routes.js --> client side routing definition
lib/ --> angular and 3rd party JavaScript libraries
views/ --> main view and partials
config/ --> application config folder
app(.)-strings.js --> re-usable strings used by application
config.js --> app default configs (db name, etc)
conf(.)-routes.js --> routing passing point
mailer.js --> mailer module
passport.js --> passportjs configuration
routes.js --> routes's implementation
server/ --> server side logic
api/ --> api for model manipulation
helpers/ --> generic helpers (I added an encryption helper)
models/ --> mongoose models
Hope you like it, Tiago