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A REST echo server used for the Nordic Developer Academy developed using AWS CDK in TypeScript.


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REST echo server

GitHub Actions semantic-release Renovate @commitlint/config-conventional code style: prettier ESLint: TypeScript

A REST echo server used for the Nordic Developer Academy developed using AWS CDK in TypeScript.

Installation in your AWS account


Provide your AWS credentials.

Install the dependencies:

npm ci

Configure Metrics (optional)

Configure the metrics for Azure Monitor logs ingestion (used for usage metrics tracking):

aws ssm put-parameter --name /${STACK_NAME:-rest-echo}/metrics/endpoint --type String --value "<endpoint>"
aws ssm put-parameter --name /${STACK_NAME:-rest-echo}/metrics/dcrId --type String --value "<dcrId>"
aws ssm put-parameter --name /${STACK_NAME:-rest-echo}/metrics/streamName --type String --value "<streamName>"
aws ssm put-parameter --name /${STACK_NAME:-rest-echo}/metrics/secret --type SecureString --value "<secret>"


npx cdk bootstrap # if this is the first time you use CDK in this account
npx cdk deploy


Once the API is deployed, you can interact with it as documented here.

Both non-secure HTTP and secure HTTPs are supported.

Continuous Deployment with GitHub Actions

Create a GitHub environment production.

Store the role used for continuous deployment as a secret:

CD_ROLE_ARN=`aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name ${STACK_NAME:-rest-echo} | jq -r '.Stacks[0].Outputs[] | select(.OutputKey == "cdRoleArn") | .OutputValue'`
gh secret set AWS_ROLE --env production --body "${CD_ROLE_ARN}"

Store the stack name and the region as a variable:

gh variable set STACK_NAME --env production --body "${STACK_NAME:-rest-echo}"
gh variable set AWS_REGION --env production --body "${AWS_REGION}"

Optionally, if you are using a custom domain name, store the domain name and the AWS certificate ID:

gh variable set DOMAIN_NAMES --env production --body ","
gh variable set CERTIFICATE_ID --env production --body "ff6dc724-ac8d-4328-8f86-628126771d67"


To set up continuous integration, prepare a separate AWS account and run the following command to create the necessary resources for GitHub Actions:

npx cdk -a 'npx tsx --no-warnings cdk/rest-echo-ci.ts' deploy

Create a GitHub environment ci.

Store the role used for continuous integration as a secret:

CI_ROLE_ARN=`aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name ${STACK_NAME:-rest-echo}-ci | jq -r '.Stacks[0].Outputs[] | select(.OutputKey == "roleArn") | .OutputValue'`
gh secret set AWS_ROLE --env ci --body "${CI_ROLE_ARN}"

Store the stack name and the region as a variable:

gh variable set STACK_NAME --env ci --body "${STACK_NAME:-rest-echo}"
gh variable set AWS_REGION --env ci --body "${AWS_REGION}"