This is a BIDS-App to extract signal from a parcellation with nilearn, typically useful in a context of resting-state data processing.
Nilearn is a Python tools for general multivariate manipulation of series of neuroimaging volumes. It may be used for many purposes by writing simple Python scripts, as described in the documentation The strength of nilearn are multivariate statistics and predictive models, in partical with appications to decoding or resting-state analysis.
Here, we use the nilearn NiftiLabelsMasker to extract time-series on a parcellation, or "max-prob" atlas:
The nilearn documentation can be found on:
If there are bugs or incomprehensible errors with nilearn, please report them on the nilearn github issue page:
Please ask questions on how to use nilearn, on neurostars, with the nilearn tag:
If you use nilearn, please cite the corresponding paper: Abraham 2014, Front. Neuroinform., Machine learning for neuroimaging with scikit-learn
We acknowledge all the nilearn developers ( as well as the BIDS-Apps team
This App has the following command line arguments:
usage: [-h]
bids_dir output_dir {participant,group}
BIDS App entrypoint script to extract time-series from resting-state.
positional arguments:
bids_dir The directory with the input dataset formatted
according to the BIDS standard.
output_dir The directory where the output files should be stored.
If you are running group level analysis this folder
should be prepopulated with the results of
theparticipant level analysis.
{participant,group} Level of the analysis that will be performed. Multiple
participant level analyses can be run independently
(in parallel) using the same output_dir.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
The label(s) of the participant(s) that should be
analyzed. The label corresponds to
sub-<participant_label> from the BIDS spec (so it does
not include "sub-"). If this parameter is not provided
all subjects should be analyzed. Multiple participants
can be specified with a space separated list.
None foreseen