Our development repo to explore porting rump kernels to Composite OS (COS).
Please filling the following FAQ that currently is question-heavy, and answer-light.
What are rump kernels?
What are good references for learning about rump kernels?
What document provides the best quick(ish) intro?
What "components" are supported by rump kernels?
What types of device drivers are supported?
What is a hypercall, and how do they relate to porting to COS?
You can start with http://netbsd.gw.com/cgi-bin/man-cgi?rumpuser+3+NetBSD-current.
What are ways to start exploring rump kernel's code?
How are rump kernels related to NetBSD?
What is BSD?
What is Composite?
What is the proposed plan to merge Composite and rump kernels, and why does it make sense?
What is a RAMDisk? How do you think one is implemented?
...add more questions here...