I'm Benrico Krog, a young and passionate student hailing from Stellenbosch University. With a natural curiosity for all things tech, I'm your go-to person for innovative solutions.
- I have an relentless appetite for learning and embracing the latest in tech.
- My strong desire is to not only assist but also share my tech-inspired enthusiasm among others.
- With a practical mindset, I'm all about finding the most realistic and effective solutions for every challenge.
- I thrive in the fast lane, whether it's working seamlessly in a team or flying solo, and I absolutely adore hacking things together!
BEng Electr & Electron Engineering
- Electronics & Embeded Systems
- Cyber Security
- Machine Learning
- Web Development
- IoT & Home Automation
- Homelabs
- Nature & Traveling
- Hiking
- Photography (https://photography.krog.dev/)
- Music