An Ansible Role that installs the Magento CLI tool N98 Magerun on Linux.
The below variables can be modified to your playbooks needs or if the PHAR archive url chnages!
bennoislost_magerun_enabled: true
bennoislost_magerun_download_url: ""
bennoislost_magerun_bin_path: "/usr/bin/n98-magerun.phar"
bennoislost_magerun2_enabled: false
bennoislost_magerun2_download_url: ""
bennoislost_magerun2_bin_path: "/usr/bin/n98-magerun2.phar"
By defualt the Magento2 version of the CLI tool is disabled - this can bee easily changed in your vars
- hosts: webservers
- vars/main.yml
- { role: bennoislost.n98-magerun }
Contents of vars/main.yml
# Enable Magento2
bennoislost_magerun2_enabled: true
- The team at Netz98 and all contributors to n98-magerun!