Simple filtering support for django-tables2. Works only with queryset based tables.
pip install -e git://
- Define a list of filters in Table subclass. List of filters should be list of values returned by the django_tables2_simplefilter.F function. The values list passed into F, 3rd argument, should be a tuple of verbose value and actual value. For example,
import django_tables2 as tables
class MyTable(tables.Table):
class Meta:
model = SomeModel
filters = (F('field','Filter name',values_list=(('True','1'),('False','0'))),
F('fk__field','Another filter',values_list=[ (str(x), for x in FKModel.objects.all()]))
First argument to F should be a field name, which can either be a field in the model, or a related field using the standard Django double-underscore syntax. E.g. "fk__field".
From the above example, if user selects the "True" option from the first filter, then FilteredSingleTableView will construct a queryset like "SomeModel.objects.filter(field=1)". If user selects some value from the second filter, then FilteredSingleTableView will construct a queryset like "SomeModel.objects.filter(fk__field=value)".
- In your template, include django_tables2_simplefilter/filter_selection.html, passing in the filters variable. For example,
{% include "django_tables2_simplefilter/filter_selection.html" with filters=filters only %}
CSS classes are: filter-form, filter-item, filter-name, filter-selection, filter-actions, filter-submit, filter-reset
Add default CSS to your base template:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{STATIC_URL}}django_tables2_simplefilter/filter.css" />
- Use FilteredSingleTableView in For example,
from django_tables2_simplefilter import FilteredSingleTableView
urlpatterns = patterns('',
table_pagination={"per_page": 50}),
- Include 'django_tables2_simplefilter' in your INSTALLED_APPS list.