I created a C++ library that replicates most of the functionalities of Prof. Sedgewick and Prof. Wayne's Java libraries from their textbook, Algorithms, 4th edition. All of my C++ programs are tested in my main.cpp file and are significantly faster than the ones found in the Sedgewick and Wayne's Java libraries.
Here are the Java files from which my C++ code was taken from:
BinarySearch.java -> BinarySearch.hpp
Bag.java -> Bag.hpp
Queue.java -> Queue.hpp
Stack.java -> Stack.hpp
WeightedQuickUnionUF.java ->
and WeightedQuickUnionUF.hpp
Selection.java -> SelectionSort.hpp
Insertion.java -> InsertionSort.hpp
Shell.java -> ShellSort.hpp
Mergesort.java -> MergeSort.hpp
MergeBU.java -> MergeSortBU.hpp
Quick.java -> QuickSort.hpp and QuickSelect.hpp
Quick3way.java -> QuickSort3way.hpp
MinPQ.java -> MinPQ.hpp
MaxPQ.java -> MaxPQ.hpp